Sharpton Never Apologized

Regarding “Sharpton-De Blasio Ties,” Jan. 24: Al Sharpton’s problems go back before Crown Heights to 1987, when he, along with attorneys Alton Maddox and C Vernon Mason, was a cheerleader for Tawana Brawley. They supported her false claims that six white men had raped her, claims that were dismissed by a grand jury. The New […]


Regarding “Sharpton-De Blasio Ties,” Jan. 24: Al Sharpton’s problems go back before Crown Heights to 1987, when he, along with attorneys Alton Maddox and C Vernon Mason, was a cheerleader for Tawana Brawley. They supported her false claims that six white men had raped her, claims that were dismissed by a grand jury. The New York assistant district attorney who Brawley had accused as one of her alleged assailants successfully sued Brawley, Sharpton and the two attorneys for defamation.

Sharpton had his share of the judgment paid off by a group of supporters.  Brawley’s share is being paid by wage garnishments that only began last year. Just like in the Crown Heights riots, Sharpton has never apologized for his inflammatory behavior in the Brawley case.

Westport, Conn.
