Bad Timing


Regarding Gary Rosenblatt’s column, “Israel West Bank Grab, More Than Bad Timing” (Sept. 12):

No one suggests Israel give up the West Bank or portions thereof in an agreeable swap of land unless Israel’s right to exist is accepted by all the Arab countries and there is a commitment to get rid of Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Until that occurs, however, it is counterproductive and it makes no sense for Israel to pursue a provocative policy of enlarging settlements in the area. Gary Rosenblatt is correct to state the recent claim to about 1,000 acres in the West Bank is bad timing and raises questions about the Netanyahu government’s commitment to a two-state solution.

Mr. Rosenblatt is on the mark in noting “Israel today needs leadership that looks beyond today to tomorrow.”  Suffice it to say such leadership is also lacking in the Arab world.  A beginning in the search for such leadership would in my opinion begin with the exit of Hamas and Netanyahu’s right-wing government.

Flushing, Queens
