High Holiday Sermon Roundup


In their days and in our days, the High Holidays have always been and still are an occasion f or Jews to take to the road, to visit family and friends in other communities. In this way, we encounter customs, melodies and thoughts that are new to us, and have the chance to bring them home.

What we can't do, of course, is be in two places at once. So the traveller listening to the sermon in a synagogue that's not her own must miss her own rabbi's talk, and those of any number of other rabbis whose sermons she would like to hear.

Enter the Internet, which can expand the world even further than travel can, although not (yet) in real time. For those who wish they could do Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur over and over again, kind of like Bill Murray does in Groundhog Day, in order to take in as many sermons as possible, the JW has gathered several here for you. In a season that exalts honey, such cross-pollination seems only fitting.

Listen to sermons from the rabbis at Upper West Side mega-shul B'nai Jeshurun here.
