Seth Rogen Invites You To James Franco’s Bar Mitzvah


At 37, James Franco is about to become a man.

On October 17, at the Hollywood Palladium in California, the actor, whose mother is Jewish, is set to become a bar mitzvah as part of a variety show for actor Seth Rogen’s Hilarity For Charity organization, which seeks to promote awareness of Alzheimer’s Disease.

“Ever since I’ve known James, he’s been wanting a bar mitzvah,” said Rogen, who shared a big break with Franco in 1999’s “Freaks and Geeks,” in a statement.

Franco will most likely not be plagued by braces, acne, or a high-pitched voice on his big day, which means attendees, who can purchase tickets for the event starting on August 11, can expect more intentional comedic hijinks from the Jewdo (Jewish duo) behind last December’s “The Interview.”

Past Hilarity For Charity events have included other humorous members of the tribe such as Sarah Silverman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Paul Rudd. Last summer’s prom- themed affair allowed the organization to raise over $1 million.

For Rogen, whose mother in law was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s at 55, the event is personal. Along with his wife, Lauren Miller Rogen, he created Hilarity for Charity in 2012 to raise awareness of the disease amongst those in the millennial generation.

As this is the organization’s first Jewish affair, Rogen promises it won’t disappoint.

“In celebration we’ll also have a mohel and a live bris for James at the event,” said Rogen in a statement. “You don’t want to miss it.”
