Knife-wielding Palestinian teen shot and killed in Jerusalem as Trump tours nearby

The incident just outside the Old City came amid a major increase in security with the president visiting holy sites.



JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel Police officers shot and killed a Palestinian teenager who attempted to stab them just outside the Old City of Jerusalem as President Donald Trump was visiting holy sites in the city.

The teen, who was identified by the Palestinian Maan news agency as a 16-year-old from Bethlehem, approached the Border Police officers at a guard post in eastern Jerusalem on Monday afternoon with the knife drawn and disputed with the officers before being shot, according to the police.

No Israeli security forces were injured in the attempted attack in the town of Abu Dis.

The visit by Trump raised security in the area significantly. He is scheduled to visit Bethlehem, in the Palestinian Authority, and meet with P.A. President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday.

The incident also took place amid the backdrop of Palestinian protests throughout the West Bank on Monday in support of hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners seeking better prison conditions. Nearly 30 Palestinians have been injured in the protests, at least three seriously.

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