Why Not Walk Out?

I cannot adequately express my consternation regarding Pastor Robert Jeffress’ invocation at the dedication this week of the United States embassy in Jerusalem (Editorial: “Trump Makes Good On His Promise,” May 18). To an audience of mostly Jews, including a Chabad rabbi who stood alongside him onstage, Rev. Jeffress invoked “the name and the spirit […]


I cannot adequately express my consternation regarding Pastor Robert Jeffress’ invocation at the dedication this week of the United States embassy in Jerusalem (Editorial: “Trump Makes Good On His Promise,” May 18). To an audience of mostly Jews, including a Chabad rabbi who stood alongside him onstage, Rev. Jeffress invoked “the name and the spirit of the prince of peace, Jesus.”

Also in the audience were Israel’s two chief rabbis. Where, I ask, was the outrage? Why didn’t the Chabad rabbi have the courage to walk off the stage or to respond to Rev. Jeffress’ importune remarks?

If the cost of having a gala embassy dedication was the glorifying of avodah zarah (idol worship), then we would have been served better by not having the celebration at all.

Far Rockaway, Queens
