Religious party to join Likud government

The Habayit Hayehudi party signed a deal to join Benjamin Netanyahu’s government coalition.


JERUSALEM (JTA) — The Habayit Hayehudi party signed a deal to join Benjamin Netanyahu’s government coalition.

The right-wing religious party agreed to join the new government Wednesday afternoon, a day after the Labor Party voted to enter the coalition.

Habayit Hayehudi will be able to name the head of the science, sport and culture ministry, and will hold the chairmanship of the Knesset Welfare for the Child and the Education committees each for a third of the government’s term in office, according to reports.

Party chairman Daniel Herschkowitz also will head a new committee for helping Gush Katif evacuees, as well as a committee that deals with girls who perform national service in place of serving in the military, The Jerusalem Post reported.

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