JTA Supporters
JTA is grateful to our family of contributors ($5,000 or more) who understand the role that Jewish journalism plays in keeping Jews connected to and informed about each other.
- American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
- Samuel Bronfman Foundation
- Crown Family Philanthropies
- Alisa Robbins Doctoroff
- Everett Philanthropic Fund
- Jerry and Trudi Krivitzky
- Bryna and Joshua Landes and family
- Lucius Littauer Foundation
- Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation
- Marcus Foundation
- Morningstar Foundation
- Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds
- David and Inez Myers Foundation
- Pratt Foundation
- Ruderman Family Foundation
- Robert Russell Memorial Foundation
- Alvin and Fanny B. Thalheimer Foundation
- Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
JTA appreciates the support of the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) for their generous funding through the National Federation Agency Alliance. We are deeply thankful to UJA-Federation New York for its support of our work and belief in our mission.
Alliance Federations
- Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
- The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore
- Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston
- Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
- Jewish Federation of Cleveland
- Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado
- Columbus Jewish Federation
- Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit
- UJA Federation of Greenwich
- Jewish Federation of Jacksonville
- Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County
- Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
- Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc.
- Memphis Jewish Federation
- United Jewish Communities of Metrowest
- Greater Miami Jewish Federation
- Milwaukee Jewish Federation
- Minneapolis Jewish Federation
- UJA-Federation of New York
- Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York
- UJA Federation of Northern New Jersey
- Jewish Federation of Ocean County
- Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County, New York
- Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County
- Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
- Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island
- The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
- Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona
- United Jewish Federation of Tidewater
- Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
JTA recognizes the following federations for their generous commitment and support:
- Jewish Federation of Greater Houston
- Jewish Federation of St. Louis
- The Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City
- Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation
- Jewish Federation of Broward County
- Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
- Mid Kansas Jewish Federation
- Jewish Federation of Madison
- Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley
- Jewish Federation of Peoria
- Jewish Federation of New Hampshire
- Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
- The Birmingham Jewish Federation
- Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
- Jewish Federation of Johnstown-PA
- Jewish Federation of Savannah
- Jewish Federation of Nashville
- Jewish Federation of the Berkshires
- Jewish Federation of Youngstown
- Jewish Fedeation of Central New York
- Jewish Federation of El Paso
- Jewish Federation of Columbus, GA