Advanced Search Instructions

The following is a guide to using the advanced search methods that can be used to better pinpoint the results you’re looking for.

OR Method

Find results that contain one or more words.

Example: searching for cake honey will return results that contain the word “cake” or the word “honey”. The same results will be shown for cake | honey. This is the default search method.

AND Method

Find results that contain more than one word.

Example: searching for +cake +honey (include the + symbol) will return results that contain both “cake” and “honey”.

NOT Method

Find results that don’t contain a word.

Example: searching for cake +-honey (include the +- symbol)will return results that contain the word “cake”, but don’t contain the word “honey”.

Exact Phrase Method

Find results that contain an exact phrase.

Example: searching for “honey cake recipe” (include the quotes) will return results that contain the exact phrase “honey cake recipe”.

Combining Methods

You can combine multiple methods into a more complex search query.

Example: searching for +honey +cake +(recipe | directions) +-orange will return results that:

  1. Contain both “honey” and “cake”
  2. Contain either the word “recipe” or “directions”
  3. Do not contain the word “orange”