Reporting on your peers isn’t easy, but the inaugural cohort of JTA Teen Journalism Fellows made it through with grace — even with SATs, part-time jobs and college applications looming.
From Italy to Israel and Florida to California, these 13 teens come to the fellowship with different experiences and perspectives, but unite over their mission to share a broader, nuanced understanding of the issues young Jews face.
These 13 teens went into their schools, communities and synagogues to report on being young and Jewish all over the world.
Zoe Klevens (she/her) is a junior at Parkway Central High School in Saint Louis, Missouri, but is currently studying abroad in Israel on a program named Heller High. She is the editor in chief of her high schools yearbook. In her free time, she bakes and enjoys spending time with friends.
Mira Schoenberg (she/her) lives in San Francisco. She has always enjoyed writing but has never done any journalism until this program. Her favorite hobbies include soccer, lacrosse, reading and drawing.
Nathaniel Hain (he/him) is in the class of 2025 at SAR High School. He enjoys reading, studying Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible), and going to the movies in his freetime.
Lucas Milgrim (he/him) is a high school senior in Long Island, New York. Lucas loves writing, especially about sports, and when he isn’t writing about them, he’s playing them. He also loves playing piano and saxophone, baseball, and reading.
Lily Lebwohl (she/her) is a junior at The Leffell School and she loves studying Science, History, and Rabbinics. She is the editor in chief of her high school newspaper and in her free time you can catch her playing viola, teaching middle schoolers how to read Torah for their B’nai Mitzvot, or listening to music.
Danielle Deculus (she/her) is a junior at Louisville High School in Woodland Hills, California. She serves as a staff photographer for jGirls+ Magazine and plays on her school’s varsity tennis team. In her free time she enjoys listening to music, traveling, writing, and shopping.
Ella Bilu (she/her) is a high school sophomore in Los Angeles, California. When not writing her next article, Ella enjoys playing soccer, watching hockey, working on her Spanish, and developing her graphic design skills. She is also the president of her youth group and an editor for her school’s newspaper.
Anya Gruener (she/her) is a junior at Gulliver Preparatory in Miami, Florida. She is the co-founder of a nonprofit organization, Active Love USA Foundation Inc, and is passionate about English literature and creative writing. In her spare time she enjoys writing articles, creating multimedia pieces, and playing her violin.
Eliza Lampert (she/her) is a junior at the Latin School of Chicago and is currently serving as one of the Co-Editors-in-Chief of her school newspaper. Along with journalism, she sings, takes classical vocal lessons, plays piano and bass, takes part in Jewish Student Connection at her school, and often sings at her synagogue on Shabbat and the High Holy Days.
Mattia Terracina (he/him) is a junior at Vittorio Alfieri High School in Piedmont, Italy, where he contributes to the school newspaper. In addition to his passion for journalism, he enjoys playing soccer, playing guitar, reading and traveling.
Reuben Danyali (he/him) is a junior in the DIM magnet at Carver Center for Arts and Tech. in Baltimore, Maryland. Reuben is a staunch environmentalist and design fanatic, lover of all things outdoors and architecture. In the local Jewish federation he is a volunteer leader, and in school is an editor for the newspaper, Catalyst, and the co-president of the Environmental Club.
Carly Philpott (she/her) is a senior at Cherry Creek High School in the Denver area and is the editor-in-chief of her school’s paper, the Union Street Journal. She is especially passionate about environmental and social justice reporting. Carly spends every ounce of her free time with her pets, which include several geckos, snakes, fish, toads, and a turtle.
Sarah Silverman (she/her) is a junior at the Ramaz Upper School in Manhattan. A licensed Wildlife Rehabber and aspiring veterinarian, she has a special love of pigeons. She spends her time interning at an animal hospital, being the editor-in-chief of her school’s science and math paper, performing as a violinist in a chamber ensemble, and having her own satire column in her school’s newspaper. But her special claim to fame is her unique Jewish sense of humor and interest in the connection between Environmentalism and Halachic law.