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News Brief

July 10, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Three representatives of the American Jewish Committee sailed today for Europe to plan reconstructive aid for the Jews there through ##he newly established Paris office of the AJC and to advise European Jewish communities in matters pertaining to civil rights, cultural reconstruction and combatting ##nti-Semitism. The three who sailed are Dr. John Slawson, executive vice-president, ##r. Joel D. Wolfsohn, who will head European operations of the AJC, and Dr. Samuel ##. Flowerman, associate director of the AJC Department of Scientific Research.Dr. Slawson, in a statement issued before his departure said: “Dr. Joel D. ##olfsohn is leaving for Europe to inaugurate the American Jewish Committee’s program ##f aid in helping to normalize Jewish community life on the Continent, in North Africa ##nd the Middle East. I am accompanying him in order to help assess the nature and ##gnitude of our common task. In inaugurating its expanded program for aid to the Jews of the old world, in strengthening their civic rights and their community organizations, the American Jewish Committee is impelled by its realization that civil rights and human welfare are one and indivisible and that threats to them anywhere constitute a universal human danger.”

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