Zeidman: Rudy’s backers to McCain

Most of Rudy Giuliani’s Jewish backers will now back John McCain, McCain’s top fund-raiser said.


Most of Rudy Giuliani’s Jewish backers will now back John McCain, McCain’s top fund-raiser said.

Fred Zeidman, a top lawyer and lobbyist with offices in Washington, told JTA that the former New York mayor’s fund-raisers, among them prominent Republican Jews, were coming over in droves to the Arizona senator’s campaign for the Republican presidential campaign.

“My phone and Blackberry were going off constantly,” Zeidman said, after it became clear that Giuliani was coming in a distant third in the Florida primary on Tuesday.

Giuliani had pinned his hopes on Florida, and was expected Wednesday to announce his departure from the race and his endorsement of McCain.

McCain won Florida and Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, finished a close second.

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