ADL to Fox News: Ohrdruf was not just a work camp


The ADL jumps into the fray over what sort of camp Barack Obama’s great uncle helped liberate …

May 28, 2008

Mr. David Rhodes

Vice President, News

FOX News Channel

Dear Mr. Rhodes,

We have received complaints about, and have seen for ourselves today,
the news crawl that states Ohrdruf “was a work camp rather than an
extermination camp.”

Ohrdruf was a labor camp in which 56,545 people died, many of them shot
by the Nazis as American forces advanced toward the camp. According to

The Holocaust Chronicle, “On April 4, 1945, American soldiers entering
Ohrdruf found mass graves containing thousands of corpses.”

Leaving the impression that Ohrdruf was just “a work camp,” and not a
brutal place of slave labor and murder does a disservice to the victims

and to the U.S. forces that liberated it. We urge you correct the crawl
and accurately describe Ohrdruf in any on-air commentary.

Thank you.


Myrna Shinbaum

Myrna Shinbaum
Director, Media Relations & Public Information
Anti-Defamation League

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