JCER’s newest project, post-schlep


The latest entrant in the Jewish newspaper ad wars is the Jewish Council for Education and Research. The group that came up with “The Great Schlep” is making a $30,000-40,000 ad buy in three Jewish newspapers over the next couple weeks – all six localized editions of the Jewish Journal in South Florida, as well as the Detroit Jewish News and the St. Louis Jewish Light.”

The group worked with ad hoc coalitions of supporters for some of the ads to come up with locally-driven content, said a spokeswoman for the group.

For instance, in Detroit, the ad features a quote from Obama talking about restoring “confidence in our economy” and states “Don’t be complacent. John McCain has not left Michigan” – a response to the decision of the McCain campaign earlier this month to shift resources from the state elsewhere. The St. Louis ad features a list of local Obama supporters.

The ad appearing in Florida is more provocative. Headlined “Sarah Palin: Anti-Choice Radical,” it features a photo of anti-abortion protesters laying down in a street and charges Palin wiith “carrying water” for the “Christian right” on the issue as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.

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