Jordan-West Bank crossing to be open 24 hours

Israel will expand the hours that the crossing between the West Bank and Jordan is open.


JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel will expand the hours that the crossing between the West Bank and Jordan is open.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during Wednesday’s meeting of the Ministerial Committee on Improving the Economic Situation of the Palestinian Residents of Judea and Samaria, "instructed the relevant officials to immediately and significantly expand the Allenby Border Terminal’s hours of operation for the import and export of goods in order to increase the volume of commercial activity and improve the Palestinian population’s quality of life," according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office.

The crossing is now open 12 hours a day during the week and seven hours a day on weekends. Ynet reported that under the new rules, the crossing would be open 24 hours a day.

During the meeting, committee members also were briefed on the significant measures that have been taken to ease movement in the West Bank, including the removal of roadblocks, in order to assist the Palestinians’ daily lives.

"Wherever we can ease restrictions on the Palestinian population without endangering the security of the citizens of Israel, we will make every effort to do so," Netanyahu said.

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