San Francisco may vote on banning cirumcision

San Francisco residents could get a chance to vote on banning brit milah if a proposed measure gets on next November’s ballot.


(JTA) — San Francisco residents could get a chance to vote on banning brit milah, or Jewish ritual circumcision, if a proposed measure gets on next November’s ballot.

The measure would "make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicle or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18,” according to reports that surfaced late last week.

The measure was proposed by San Francisco resident and anti-male circumcision advocate Lloyd Schofield. Schofield must collect 7,168 valid signatures by April 26, 2011.

It’s not clear whether the proposed law would stand constitutional scrutiny given the clause guaranteeing free excercise of religion.

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