Jewish Youth Movements Launch Anti-Bullying Campaign


SAN FRANCISCO (JTA) — Three international Jewish youth movements have launched a campaign to combat homophobia.

The Coalition of Jewish Teen Leaders, comprised of the presidents of B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, the Reform movement’s National Federation of Temple Youth and the Conservative movement’s United Synagogue Youth, has joined a campaign started by Keshet, a national organization working for GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) inclusion in Jewish life.

The youth leaders have pledged to end bullying in their own organizations. They also have set a goal of getting 18,000 Jewish teens, their parents and those who work with them to sign Keshet’s “Jewish Community Pledge to Save Lives.”

The campaign comes in response to the suicides this fall of a number of gay teens who were bullied by peers.

Each youth organization has developed resources to help its own membership stave off bullying and promote inclusive environments.
