At The Movies


The Wolf Of The Wall—A playboy hits on women at the Kotel
Crowded With A Chance of Meatballs—Congregants rush to the kiddush tables
Froyzen— Chasidic remake of “Frozen”
The Hondle Games—Jews bargain with store merchants
American Hassle–Israel refuses to recognize legitimacy of U.S. rabbis
Loin Survivor—Baby boy is circumcised
Her – How Orthodox congregants prefer to refer to brilliant, learned female clergy.
Dollars Buyers Club—Rabbis run money-laundering operation
Cavity—Jewish dentist is stranded in outer space
13 Years A Slave—Bar mitzvah boy celebrates his freedom
August: Sullivan County—Jews invade Catskills for the summer
Nebrisket—Man searches the Midwest for the best kosher deli
Non-Stop—UJA fundraiser solicits his friends and strangers
The Secret Loaf Of Walter Mitty—Man nibbles on a challah hidden in his tallis bag on Yom Kippur
The Butter—White House servant errs while serving a kosher meat meal
Shaving Mr. Banks—Man cuts off his beard on Lag b’Omer
