Photos: In Crown Heights, Purim Done Right

On Eastern Parkway, a festival of Megillah, mitzvot and masquerade.


Eastern Parkway was flooded with festivities Thursday as Chabad's home base filled with children and adults alike deliving mishloach manot (gifts of food), matanot l'evyonim (giving money to the poor) and masquerading as characters from the Megillah and modern day marvels.

Though the festival was particularly well attended on Brooklyn's major thoroughfare, the day was celebrated throughout the world, including in Syosset on Long Island, where MiYaD, Rabbi Chanan Krivisky led a Megillah reading for the five-year-old Jewish center.

Rabbi Chanan Krivisky, right, during a Megillah reading at MiYaD.

Picking out gifts at MiYaD.

And general clowning around at the center.

Inside 770 Eastern Parkway, aka Chabad headquarters.

The odd couple steps out in Crown Heights.

And so do some well-dressed teens.

Delivering mishloach manot.

Pausing for a moment with friends.

Giving out mishloach manot.

Queen Esther in white and gold, and her family.

Playing a Purim game online, inside Chabad headquarters.

Lionizing the tradition and passing it down the field.
