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3 Groups at Congress Join in Move to Bring Revisionists Back to World Zionist Organization

August 18, 1939
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A movement to bring the Zionist Revisionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky back into the World Zionist Organization which last night opened its 21st biennial congress was launched here today under the leadership of Rabbi Meir Berlin head of the World Mizrachi Organization which is considered in opposition to the present Zionist leadership.

Rabbi Berlin announced that the Mizrachi the General Zionists “B” and the Jewish State Party were willing to convoke a special conference for the purpose of bringing the Revisionists headed by Jabotinsky back into the fold which they left your years ago to form the New Zionist Organization Rabbi Berlin said he was ready to meet Jabotinsky at any place the latter might set for the negotiations.

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