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A. J. C. Asks for Immediate Hearing on Aramco’s Refusal to Employ Jews

November 30, 1959
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The American Jewish Congress today addressed a letter to the New York State Commission Against Discrimination requesting an immediate hearing on charges against the Arabian American Oil Company, Aramco, that it discriminates against Jewish job applicants and thus violates the State fair employment law.

The AJC request came after the New York State Supreme Court ruled that Aramco must obey the State fair employment law. The SCAD originally indicated that it may appeal against the court’s ruling, but changed its mind last week and announced that it will make no such appeal. Aramco announced that it would appeal the ruling, although it admitted that it requires all prospective employees to fill out Saudi Arabian visa application forms, which include a question of religion. Saudi Arabia admits no Jews, regardless of their citizenship.

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