The inquiry conducted by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency continues to elicit a wide response, showing firm support of President Hoover’s stand on the Palestine situation by leading governmental representatives.
Governors of states, representatives of both houses of Congress, as well as other leaders, are included in the following statements.
Governor Harvey Parnell (Arkansas), Little Rock, Ark.-“The death and desolation spread throughout the Holy Land in the recent uprising present a tragedy which shocks the entire civilized world. It is to be sincerely hoped that all individual societies and nations will, without any delay, cause such necessary steps as will prevent a future occurrence. Those authorities in direct touch with the situation are best equipped to handle the matter and it is urged that all subordinate agencies concentrate in a wholesome cooperation to the end. Humanity may live in peace and happy pursuit regardless of creed or denomination.”
Senator Arthur Capper (Kansas), Topeka, Kan.-“The horrors of the massacres in Palestine, which have shocked the civilized world, call for action to prevent a repetition of these outrages. What that action should be, can be determined only after careful study of the entire situation and the adoption of a well-prepared, definite and permanent program for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine.
“Sponsoring such a home naturally will carry with it a solemn obligation to make that home a place of reasonable safety, with reasonable security for life and property. The civilized world owes it to the Jews in Palestine, considering the debt the civilized world owes to the Jewish people, and the dictates of humanity, to do and give all that foresight and vigilance can do and give to insure that reasonable safety.
“The American people, we can rest assured, will be back of the movement to make Palestine a real home for the Jewish race, and anything that I can do to further that end will be done. Words cannot express the deep and heartfelt sympathy for those who have suffered and lost in the recent and recurring outrages. I am supremely confident that the government of the United States is taking, and will continue to take, prompt and effective action to protect the lives and property of American citizens in the danger zone. The long time solution of this problem, of course, will take time to work out; but it is one of the world problems which this country owes to itself and to the Jewish people to assist in solving.”
Senator Harry B. Hawes (Missouri), St. Louis, Mo.-“I believe that Great Britain, under the Mandate and by her express declaration, will attempt to preserve order and protect life and property.
“It may be true that the present atrocities may be, in a way, the very development necessary to focus the world’s attention upon the Palestine problem and bring about its permanent solution.
“We cannot but sympathize with the aspirations of the Jew when we consider that our own nation is 150 years old, and that Palestine was possessed by the Jews for a period of 1500 years-ten times the life of our nationality ! When this fact is impressed upon us, we begin to understand the racial feelings on this subject.
“We can with propriety insist that the civilized world view Palestine as a place separate and distinct from any other spot in the world.
“We can ask our own government to extend its own proper influence.
“We can voice our support of the Balfour Declaration insuring protection and justice for the Jew.
“We may very properly ask for a clear and definite statement of Great Britain’s position and future policy.
“We can urge the restoration of law, and the security of both life and property; we can ask for the arrest and punishment of those guilty of assaults; the payment of adequate damages; the removal of possibly unsympathetic officials, and in the future a vigorous enforcement of the law and order now to be established in Palestine.”
Senator Peter Norbeck (South Dakota), Redfield, S. D.-“I am very much disappointed over the news despatches of the disturbances in Palestine, having assumed that the British mandate would insure permanent peace and orderly progress. Not being personally familiar with the situation it is impossible for me to form a definite view as to how aggressive a policy should be adopted by our government.
“I was much disappointed over the failure of our people and the government to come to the aid of the Armenians when a million were slaughtered. Therefore I believe that the only real hope for Palestine lies with the British government who desired and accepted the mandate, but I feel that our government should take such action as they can, consistent with the present policy of the State Department.
Senator Wesley L. Jones (Washington), Seattle, Wash.-“I am in hearty accord with the attitude of the President. No man, with any of the essence of humanity, can fail to sympathize with your people in their great trouble, and I hope that every possible step to alleviate those conditions may be taken as promptly as possible and that recurrence of such may be securely guarded against in the future.
Congressman Joe Crail (California), Los Angeles, Cal.-“The present condition of the Jewish population in Palestine is tragic. There is no protection for them excepting the arms of England and the sympathy of the United States. An outraged public opinion in the United States, however, is the most influential force in the world today. England does not have the reputation of disavowing its obligations and I do not think it will run out on its duty now. The moral influence of the United States and the military strength of England should be equal to the situation.”
Congressman Addison T. Smith (Idaho), Twin Falls, Idaho-“I am sure that every patriotic and fair minded citizen of the United States is greatly concerned regarding the deplorable situation in Palestine and will sustain President Hoover and the Secretary of State in any effort they may make toward affording relief and security for the Jewish population for whom I have the greatest sympathy in their misfortunes.”
Congressman John M. Robsion (Kentucky), Barberville, Ky.-“The whole civilized world has been shocked on account of the brutal massacre of so many unoffending law abiding Jews in the Holy Land by the Arabs. I am sure that the United States Government will take all necessary steps to insure the safety of all American citizens residing in or visiting the Holy Land and that it will use whatever means that may be necessary consistent with its rights under the international law to help prevent the reoccurence of violence against those inoffensive and unoffending people and those responsible for these atrocities should be speedily brought to the bar of justice.”
Congressman John C. Ketcham (Michigan), Hastings, Mich.-“In common with all our citizens I deeply regret the loss of life and property which is occurring in the Holy Land and sincerely trust that the action taken by the British Government and other Nations that are in a position to render assistance may be effective in quieting the disturbance.
“I have every confidence that our own Government will do everything possible in the emergency and I shall be only too glad to give active support to any Governmental action that (Continued on Page 10)
may be recommended by the Department of State or President Hoover.”
Congressman Ross A. Collins (Mississippi), Meridian, Miss. “I believe President Hoover can be depended on to protect the American citizens residing or visiting the Holy Land and in doing this he will have the support of Congress.”
Congressman Thomas J. Halsey (Missouri), Holden, Mo. “I am glad of the opportunity of expressing my emphatic condemnation of the Moslem massacres in Palestine which by all laws of God and man is the homeland of the Jews. Christian civilization demands it be restored to its rightful owners in peaceful possession as a Jewish state among the nations. Because of its mandate immediate responsibility is fixed upon England to stop the tragedy and punish the murderers.”
Congressman Mathew J. Wainwright (New York), Rye, N. Y. “The United States Government is under a solemn duty to insure by every practicable and proper means the safety of American citizens who may be in jeopardy in foreign parts. I have entire confidence that those at present administering the government will fulfill this responsibility in the deplorable situation in Palestine.”
Congressman James M. Beck (Pennsylvania), Philadelphia, Pa. “I share the general detestation with which all right thinking men and women must regard the tragical events now occurring in Palestine. As the Holy Land is the source of the highest spiritual ideals of western civilization it should be a matter of common concern to every European and American nation to prevent the recurrence of such barbarity. While I am disclaiming any knowledge of the attitude of the English government, my belief is that it would gladly share the burdens of an onerous mandate with other leading powers.
“The solidarity of western civilization, in itself a great but as yet an unattained objective, would be greatly advanced if such a common responsibility was promptly recognized. The initiative in this matter could advantageously be through the League of Nations. Using this as a medium of coordination, a method of cooperation could be devised whereby the leading European and American powers acting through four or five great nations could assume the responsibility of restoring order and preventing any further recurrence of these racial troubles. While the United States is not a member of the League of Nations, there is no reason why it could not cooperate with other nations in sharing such responsibility. Such cooperation for so beneficient a purpose would be a benefit to the whole western world. As Shakespeare said of mercy it would bless alike those who give and those who take.”
Congressman George F. Brumm (Pennsylvania), Minersville, Pa.-“The recent atrocities in Palestine is, of course, history repeating itself and only shows the wisdom of Gladstone’s famous observation that the darkest blot on the history of his country was its alliance with Turkey. If the League of Nations has an excuse for living why does not this everlasting murder cease?”
Congressman Guy E. Campbell (Pennsylvania), Crafton, Pa.-“I am leaving Washington tonight for Pittsburgh, to attend a protest meeting held under the auspices of the Jewry of Pittsburgh Wednesday, September 4th, protesting against the atrocities and outrages committed against the Jews in Palestine. I hold it to be the duty of all world powers to recognize immediately the prior and sacred rights of the Jews to Palestine and that until such time as the powers do serve notice on the barbarian Arabs, we may expect recurrences of these outrages. Great Britain’s first obligation is not only to guarantee, but to secure and safeguard the rights of the Zionists in Jerusalem. If Great Britain is unwilling or unable to meet the situation alone let her invite the cooperation of other world powers when, I am sure, the right thinking people of America will assert a power and influence that will be felt, as was America’s influence in the World War. The hope of Israel may be stayed for a time by such outrages, but it cannot and will not be quenched. The time for vacillating is past. Strict determination and force if necessary must be employed to end such unjust and inhuman action.”
Congressman P. Darrow (Pennsylvania), Philadelphia, Pa.-“My deepest sympathy has been aroused by the recent tragedy in Palestine. I fully concur with the statement of President Hoover as to the protection of American citizens and hope steps will be taken to insure safety and protection for the Jews in Palestine to the end that they may obtain the peace, tranquility and prosperity they so much desire and deserve.”
Congressman Harry A. Estep (Pennsylvania), Pittsburgh, Pa.-“I heartily sympathize with the Jewish people in the tragedy being enacted in Palestine and I believe it could and should be stopped immediately. The nation holding the mandatory power is obligated to preserve order and prevent just such massacres. I believe that this government should take a definite and determined stand in demanding the immediate restoration of order and the protection of its citizens in Palestine.”
Congressman Franklin Manges (Pennsylvania), York, Pa.-“It seems incredible that the Arabs, the greatest beneficiary of the peaceful upbuilding of the Holy Land through the beneficence of the Jews of all lands, should take revenge because of religious fanaticism on their benefactors. It shows that the time has come when such an institution as the League of Nations of which all the nations involved are members, should have authority to inflict such an incumbus for lax legal restriction in the countries under their protectorate, that such massacres on account of fanaticism would be made impossible.”
Congressman Adam M. Wyant (Pennsylvania), Greensburg, Pa.-“The tragedy in Palestine is indeed shocking to the civilized world and I believe the United States should cooperate with the other powers not only in protecting its own citizens there, but the entire Jewish population from the inhuman treatment being inflicted upon them.”
Congressman Clark Burdick (Rhode Island), Newport, R. I.-“When our press has for months been carrying headlines concerning world peace and the efforts of the nations to bring this about, such a tragedy as is being enacted in Palestine is shocking to the whole world. The expressed hope of our President finds an echo in every heart. Such a tragic lesson at this time must not be allowed to pass forgotten. If the Mandatory Power, with all its sources, is insufficient, the civilized world must intervene. Does not this one tragedy demonstrate the futility of basing world peace on the basis of scrapping our first line of defense and our only means of assistance to our own American citizens.”
Congressman Jeremiah E. O’Connell (Rhode Island), Providence, R. I.-“Let us hope that the flame of war started there will not extend further. It is indeed terrible to think that just as we all were hoping wars would end this catastrophe has come upon the world. From the action already taken by the English government of sending her armed forces to Palestine it seems assured that she will fulfill her obligations under the Balfour declaration and will soon restore order. Let every one of us think peace, talk peace and endeavor in every way to promulgate it so as to do all in our power to prevent a war there and elsewhere. We want peace, but we want justice. There is a duty for each of us and that is to see that those unfortunate ones who have been injured receive all proper and gentle care.”
Congressman Butler B. Hare (South Carolina), Saluda, S. C.-“I regret very much to know of the tragic condition in Palestine and the sufferers have my profound sympathy.”
Congressman Thomas S. McMillan (South Carolina), Charleston, S. C.-“The present plight of the Jewish population in Palestine is a tragedy and against the principles of righteous civilized society everywhere. These people, of which many are American citizens, deserve our deepest sympathy. (Continued on Page 11)
and every effort consistent with our foreign policy should be made to protect and defend their lives and property.”
Congressman C. A. Christopherson (South Dakota), Sioux City, S. D.-“Unquestionably the world powers should act in unison to stop the onslaught now going on in Palestine and assume such Mandate as will assure peace and the personal safety of all people there in the future.”
Congressman Joseph W. Byrns (Tennessee), Nashville, Tenn.-“The tragedy of the Jewish population in Palestine appeals strongly to the sympathy of Christian nations throughout the world and particularly this country. While primarily it is the duty and obligation of the British government as the mandatory power to protect the Jewish population in the Holy Land, it is also the duty of other Christian nations to render all necessary aid and assistance if such be needed. Humanity and the advancement of Christian civilization make this imperative with the guaranteed assurance that there will be no further fanatical outbreaks.”
Congressman Hubert F. Fisher (Tennessee), Memphis, Tenn.-“On Sunday, September 1st, addressing a meeting of Jews here I stated that I would actively support the movement to bring about conditions which would insure safety for American citizens in Palestine and that immediate action ought to be taken by our government to stop the further loss of life and destruction of property of our citizens.”
Congressman J. Will Taylor (Tennessee), Knoxville, Tenn.-“The barbarous atrocities committed by the Moslems on the Jewish people in Palestine have shocked the sensibilities of the whole civilized world. Previous to the receipt of your wire, I had telegraphed to our State Department an appeal for the adoption of every possible measure to insure the safety of American Hebrews who might be sojourning in the affected area. If the British government is unable to cope with the situation, the other world powers should step in and stop this terrible slaughter of innocent people and take such steps as may be necessary to prevent a repetition of this horrible massacre.”
Congressman Clay Stone Briggs (Texas), Galveston, Tex.-“I greatly deplore the savage and terrible massacre of the Jewish population by Arabs in Palestine and strongly feel that the British government should intensify its efforts to provide and assure adequate protection now and in the future against further attacks, so that it may be made manifest that such atrocities will not be tolerated and that the great Zionist movement may develop as planned with a most definite assurance of safety and protection.”
Congressman Luther A. Johnson (Texas), Corsicana, Tex.-“The wanton slaughter of Jewish peoples in the Holy Land by the Arabs should arouse the sympathetic interest of civilized people everywhere and in the United States especially, because of the assassination of her citizens, and we should insists most vigorously that Great Britain will fulfill the duty which that government has assumed in protecting the lives of these innocent people.”
Congressman Guinn Williams (Texas), Washington, D. C.-“I wish to express to you my sympathy for the great Jewish tragedy now being enacted in Palestine. If Great Britain cannot protect the population of the Holy Land, an obligation which she assumed, then in that event I think the world powers should take over the mandatory of Palestine.”
Congressman Elmar O. Leatherwood (Utah), Salt Lake City, Utah-“I have full confidence that the State Department in connection with the Palestine situation will satisfactorily discharge any obligation this government may have or assume.”
Congressman Albert S. Brigham (Vermont), St. Albans, Vt.-“I desire to express my feeling of sympathy, which I know is shared by all American citizens, with the Jewish people who have suffered from persecution in Palestine.
“I have great faith that the British government will do everything in its power to carry out its obligation to protect the population of the Holy Land and its efforts should have the sympathetic support of all other governments and the prayers of all peoples whose sympathy is aroused by this great tragedy.”
Congressman E. W. Gibson (Vermont), Brattleboro, Vt.-“The Jewish people of the Holy Land should be protected from a repetition of violence of any nature. Such outbreaks as have taken place constitute a blot on civilization and a challenge to orderly government. The mandatory powers are primarily responsible for the restoration and maintenance of order and can, I believe, be depended upon to discharge the full duty as soon as agencies can be mobilized. It is the duty of the United States to protect its citizens wherever they may be and in affording this protection extreme measures are justifiable. I shall be glad to help in the laudable work of bringing security to a distressed people.”
Congressman Menalcus Lankford (Virginia), Norfolk, Va.-“I have been horrified at the press accounts of the recent tragedy of the Jewish population in Palestine. It is unthinkable that this patient people quietly endeavoring to build a new civilization should be subjected to these outrages.
“My deepest sympathy goes to the Jewish people not only in Palestine but to their friends and relatives throughout the world and I am ready to defend their civilization and efforts to rehabilitate this country to the extent of my ability.”
Congressman Henry St. George Tucker (Virginia), Lexington, Va.-“I cannot doubt that Great Britain as the mandatory power over Palestine, backed by the moral support of the civilized world, will put a stop to the barbaric Arabs in their assault on Jerusalem. Every sentiment of justice and morality will certainly bring this about and the universal sympathy of the Americans for the Zionist population in their distress will certainly speed the day of their redemption.”
Congressman Clifton A. Woodrum (Virginia), Roanoke, Va.-“I desire to express my very deep concern and profound sympathy for the victims of the terrible tragedy in Palestine. In my judgment the United States of America should take immediate and emphatic action.”
Congressman Hugh Ike Short (West Virginia), Bluefield, W. Va.-“The obligation is heavy on the United States at once to move in a bold and emphatic manner to put an end to the disorder in Palestine. Great Britain should be pressed for an immediate response that will be effected or the Mandate assumed by the Powers and made effective.
“It is an obligation by which every American is bound that the fullest protection be extended to every Jewish-American citizen in Palestine, and even more than that is the obligation to end the tragedy precipitated there by the fanatical tribesmen, because the United States owes more to the Jewish people than any other nation. I glory in the fact that my Jewish fellow citizens have loved this country and helped maintain this government and shed their blood in every war of the Republic. My sympathy is all theirs, and I offer the influence and aid of membership in Congress to bring a lasting peace and security to the Jewish people in Palestine and a glorious rehabilitation and restoration to the Holy Land.”
Congressman John M. Wolverton (West Virginia), Ritchwood, W. Va.-“The unwarranted tragedies being inflicted upon the Jewish people in Palestine by fanatical tribesmen brings upon every true American a deep sense of obligation which is growing heavier. Every American must feel that the fullest protection be extended to every Jewish American citizen in Palestine. We cannot be unmindful of the great contributions made to the life of our republic and of the loyal sacrifices made upon our battlefields by our Jewish brethren and fellow citizens. To be mindful of this, one cannot but sympathize with the conditions now existent in Palestine.
There is no question as to the ob- (Continued on Page 12)
ligation the United States must feel Great Britain should be pressed to bend every effort to bring about an effective and immediate en to the Palestine disturbance or the mandate over Palestine be assumed by the powers and made effective personally and officially.
“As a member of Congress I am anxious to lend my aid to any movement which will guarantee lasting peace and security to the Jewish people in Palestine and the rehabilitation and restoration of the Holy Land.”
Congressman Henry Allen Cooper (Wisconsin). Racine. Wis. “The present massacre of the Jewish population in Palestine is a tragedy which deeply concerns the whole civilized world. It especially concerns our own country because many American citizens have already been murdered, while others still survive there in terrible danger. Everything lawfully possible should be, and I have no doubt will be, promptly done by our government to protect American citizens in Palestine Such action by our administration is demanded by the facts and will be strongly approved by the American people.”
Congressman James A. Frear (Wisconsin). Hudson, Wis. “The civilized world sympathizes with the Jewish people in Palestine as it did with the Greeks in Smyma and Turkey, and with the Americans during similar massacres. The Jewish pogroms in Russia under the Czars are also remembered. A hundred fatalities and casualties occurred in each case, compared with recent Arab outrages.
“I have been in Kiev. Alexandrople, in the Greek refugee camps recently, and learned of no interference by the United States as expected through any joint mandate in those riots, nor in Mexico during more recent disturbances. Our last interference in Europe cost a thousand American lives for every one recently lost in Palestine and warns us against undue interference now. The world abhors massacres. little or big in war or peace times, and also recognizes the debt civilization owes to the Jewish race. But no apparent necessity exists for any mandate, joint or several, by our government in a country now governed by Great Britain.”
Congressman Florian Lampert (Wisconsin). Oshkosh Wis. “The present tragedy of the Jewish population in Palestine is something appalling and the guilty should be speedily punished. Among those whose lives are in great danger are many of our American countrymen, American Jews who are in the Holy. Land visiting or in line of business. These raids by the Arabs concern the United States government because the safety of the American citizens must be guaranteed no matter where we sojourn.
“President Hoover has recognized this and has expressed his deep concern and if the British government which has the Mandate Power over the Holy Land cannot guarantee safety for the American Jews. I am of the opinion that the United States government should, consistent with its foreign diplomatic consistent with its foreign diplomatic policy, use its influence to insure the American Jews in Palestine such protection which its power to do, and I will direct my efforts toward that end.”
Congressman Hubert H. Peavey (Wisconsin), Washburn, Wis. “The outrageous massacre of the Jews in Palestine by the Arabian tribes an innocent people. A mandate held by England over these helpless souls fixes upon her the responsibility for immediate and effective action to prevent further discord and persecution.
“President Hoover in pledging the support of this country for the immediate relief of American tourists and visitors within the disturbed area will have the moral backing of every American citizen. Regardless of the schemes or scheming on the part of the internationals with their foreign influences this country owes immediate protection to its innocent citizens. Religious wars with their awful atrocities are an offense to civilization and public opinion in this country and England will require their extirpation.”
Statements by Other Leaders Secretary M. Hyde, Washington, D. C. “The terrible tragedy which has been written in Jewish blood in Palestine must necessarily rouse the wrath of all right thinking people. The persecution and murder of American citizens peacefully engaged in lawful pursuits in foreign lands is a matter of great national concern. The situation remains acute but steps already taken and in process of accomplishment are rapidly bringing it under control.
“I am in complete sympathy with the sentiment and the aspiration of Jews to establish a national Home in the land made forever notable by their forefathers. It is to be hoped that there will be guaranteed out of the present travail, conditions so stable and secure as to make the great Zionist movement more successful.
Frank T. Hines, Director, United States Veterans Bureau, Washington. D. C.-“While the spirit of all American recoils at the cruelty of the recent massacres of the Jewish population in Palestine. I am confident that the forces of Great Britain will take such steps as are necessary not only to prevent any repetition of the outranges, but to impose just punishment upon those responsible.
“It is hoped that out of the present turmoil and suffering there may emerge a better
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The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.