(Jewish Daily Bulletin)
An Appeals Information Service for Jewish Federations was organized here yesterday at the Conference of Jewish Social Service, by unanimous decision of forty executives representing the Federations of practically every important Jewish community in the United States.
Steps will be taken by the newly created organization to initiate studies of national and international organizations now making appeals. The service will be in charge of a committee, of which William J. Shroder of Cincinnati is the Chairman, and which also includes I. Irving Lipsitch. Director of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Los Angeles; Louis M. Cahn, Executive Director of the Chicago Jewish Charities; Solomon Lowenstein, Executive Director of the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City; George Rabinoff of Indianapolis; Samuel Goldhamer of Cleveland and Samuel G. Blumenthal, of Dallas, Tex. More members of the Committee are to be added.
Funds to make the study of the national and international organizations will be contributed by the local federations and the Committee will be in charge of raising funds for and sponsoring the studies. Figures were submitted showing that more than two hundred appeals to local Jewish communities were made during the last year, from small Palestinian organizations through district and national agencies, to the Joint Distribution Committee, which headed the list with a three year drive for $25,000,000. These non-local agencies for relief, education and other types of social endeavor, raised a sum aggregating $20,000,000 in 1926.
Leaders of the plan explained that the Appeals Information Service will assure the gathering of authoritative information regarding the non-local groups and result in contributions by local federations to these causes in proper proportions, preventing excess contributions on one hand or allotments below a due amount on the other. There are sixty-one Jewish Federations in the country, representing the giving public of every Jewish community of some size and the new service is expected to coordinate the relationships between the Federations and the non-local groups.
Morris D. Waldman, secretary of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, was elected president of the Conference; I. M. Rubinow of Philadelphia. Alexander A. Dushkin of Chicago, and Louis Kirstein of Boston, were elected vice-presidents. Other officers included Ferdinand S. Bach of St. Louis, treasurer, and Samuel A. Goldsmith of New York, secretary, both of whom were reelected. Samuel Goldhamer of Cleveland. Jacob Kepees of Chicago and Aaron M. Lopez of Eric. Pa., were elected to the Board of Trustees.
The Conference accepted unanimously the recommendation of its Executive Committee to affiliate with the National Conference of Social Work. The decision means that the Jewish Conference will be guided hereafter by the other Conference in choosing its meeting place, so that Jewish workers will be able to attend sessions of both organizations.
Lady Henry was formerly Julia Levisohn, and since her marriage in 1892 to Sir Charles, Liberal member of Parliament, had lived in England. She was born in New York City Nov. 28, 1872, and was prominent in society here.
“I would not favor reopening the issue here.” said Dr. O’Shea. “At present we have a well-working scheme for religious instruction of children after school hours, which has been agreed upon by Protestants, Catholics and Jews. I consider the matter settled here.”
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The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.