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Arab States Are Responsible for Deadlock at Lausanne Peace Parley. Eban Declares

June 21, 1949
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The deadlock at the U.N.-sponsored peace talks at Lausanne the result of the refusal of the Arab states represented there to make a single conciliatory proposal while belittling and rejecting every Israeli suggestion, Aubrey S. Eban, Israeli permanent delegate to the United nations, declared here last night at the annual dinner of the Mizrachi Organization of America.

At the same time, Mr. Eban insisted that “the difficulties encountered in the conciliation effort are not necessarily insuperable.” He pointed out that there is a tendency to divide the responsibility for the failure of the talks up to this point between the Arabs and the Israelis, but added that all disinterested parties should correct this impression rather than “unwittingly condoning it by directing indignation against the only party which has complied with its clear duty of pacific settlement.” the Mizrachi dinner opened the organization’s celebration of Israel week.” Its 29th annual convention opens in Atlantic City Wednesday.

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