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Arabs Attack Churchill’s Pro-zionist Views Expressed in Washington

July 6, 1954
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The pro-Zionist position enunciated by British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill last week in Washington has come under violent attack in the press and radio of the Arab League states.

In an English-language broadcast beamed to Europe, the Damascus Radio said: “What is surprising and irreconcilable is that the two statements, the one calling for peace in the Middle East and the other expressing support for Israel and Zionism, should appear in the same speech and should be uttered by such a reasonable leader of the Western Bloc of nations as Sir Winston Churchill.

“It is to be hoped,” the broadcast continued, “that Sir Winston’s recent utterances in support of aggressive Israel will be duly noted by the responsible leaders of the Arab world. It would also be interesting to note the change in the attitude of Churchill’s friends in the Arab countries now that he has reiterated his full support for Zionism, which include, as we all know, the total destruction of the Arab peoples and the wholesale distribution of their land.”

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