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Bulletin Calendar of Events

June 3, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Jewish Theological Seminary of America, baccalaureate sermon; speaker, Dr. Louis M. Levitsky; Broadway and 122nd

street; 9:30 a.m.

League for Jewish National Labor in Eretz Israel, preview of Jabotinsky film; Fenway Theatre. Washington avenue and Claremont parkway, Bronx; 11 p.m.

Young Folks League of the Borough Park Young Men’s Hebrew Association, moonlight sail: Hudson River dayliner Alexander Hamilton, pier, North River and Forty-second street; 8:30 p.m.

Hebrew Teachers’ Union, farewell evening for E.M. Edelstein; Farmfood Restaurant, 37 West Thirty-second street; 8:30 p.m.

Brighton Beach Hadassah, strawberry festival; Democratic Club, 211 Brighton Beach avenue; 9 p.m.

Young Folks League of Union Temple, play; “Louder, Please”; 17 eastern parkway, Brooklyn: 8:30 p.m.

First Bialystoker Convention; Hotel Pennsylvania; evening.

Biro-Bidjan mass meeting; auspices ICOR; Madison Square Garden; evening.

Congregation B’nai Sholaum, reception in honor of Professor P.A. Wadia; exhibition of paintings of Elias M. Grossman; speaker, Professor Wadia, “Nationalism and Internationalism”; Ninth street near Sixth avenue, Brooklyn; 8:30 p.m.

Young America Institute, lecture; Dr. Joseph L. Levine. “The Hunchbaek of Notre Dame”: 13 West Fifty-seventh street; 8:30 p.m.

Jewish Youth Guild lecture; Dr. Hyman W. Savilie, “Glimpses at the New Palestine”; 41 West Eighty-sixth street; 8:30 p.m.

Palestine Flower Day; broadcast by Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin, Hadassah president, over Columbia Broadcasting System; Palestinian songs by Jewish Choral Society of Y.M.H.A. 5 p.m. in. Station WINS broadcast by Rabbi Wolf Gold. Mizrachi leader; Jewish melodies; 9:30 a.m.

Jewish Theological Seminary, graduating exercises; speakers; Felix M. Warburg, Dr. Cyrus Adler, Or Elias L. Solomon; seminary quadrangle, Broadway and 122nd street; 4:30 p. m.

Westchester County Division of the United Jewish Appeal, dinner; toastmaster, Mark Eisner; White Plains Jewish Community Center; evening.

Mizrachi Organization of America, banquet and Palestinian evening; Hotel Edison, Forty-seventh street west of Broad way; 7 p.m.

West Side Chapter of Junior Hadassah, Monte Carlo dance; Hotel Greystone. Broadway and Ninety-first street; 9 p.m.

Medical and Dental Professions; Palestinian evening; speakers; Dr. Israel S. Wechsler. “The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.” Rabbi Joshua Goldberg, “World Jewry Today;” Mrs. Alexander Lamport, “Hadassah and Palestine;” Astoria Center of Israel, 320 Crescent street, Long Island City, 9 p.m.

Jewish Science Society, lecture; Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein, “Divine Healing and Medicine;” 150 West Eighty-fifth street; 11 a.m.

Bialystoker Center and Bikur Cholim. Inc., convention: Hotel Pennsylvania, Seventh avenue and Thirty-second street; evening.

Nathan Straus Zionist Club, reception, to Sholom Schwartzbard; Young Men’s Hebrew Asociation, Lexington avenue and Ninety-second street; 8 p.m.

Richmond Hill, Kew Gardens, Forest Hills and Woodhaven Division of the United Jewish Appeal, testimonial dinner to Sol Cohen; speakers: Morris Rothenberg, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, Rabbi A.H. Neulander; Beth Israel Community Center of Richmond Hill; evening.

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