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Bulletin Calendar of Events

February 4, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Charles Solomon, Louis Waluuian. Hot old Kiegelman, LanKdon Put on “Our Ciiy Under Fun ion”, lUud School of Social Science. 7 East ISlh St.. 12:30 P.M.

Annual dinner of the Independent Wel-fare League. Pythian Temple, US West 70th St., evening. Speakers: Bernard S. Deutscb. Judge Anna Moscow!tz Kross, Harold S. Budner.

Estelle If. Sernbcrtfer on “The Pence Editor Looks at tlie News'”. Station WEVO. 3 P.M., alternate Saturdays.

Symposium. “What Do the Opponents of the His tad ruin want?” Sluyvesent High School, First Avenue and 15th Street; evening; auspice* of United Jewish Socialist Labor Party.

Annual charity ball of the Ladles Auxiliary of the Barnert Hospital, Alexander Hamilton Hotel.

Man mectinR and musical program of the Eastern’ District Cdud of Betar at Y.M. and Y.W.H.A. of Williamsuurgh. Broadway and Rodney Street, Brooklyn evening. – |

Zionist student rallv, under auspices of Avukah in Brownsville. 1730 Pilkm Ave.. Brooklyn, Louis I. Gvtbetz, “Political Aspects of Present Day Palestine,” 8:30 P.M.

Dramatic tournament of three one-act plays, Temple House, Temple Beth Emeth, Church Ave., corner Marlboro Bd., Brooklyn, 8 P.M.

Supper and card party of the Ladles’ Auxiliary of the Louis Heyman Friendship I-eague. Village Tea Garden. Ave. J and East 12th St., Brooklyn, evening.


Twenty-fifth annual meeting. Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, Hotel Astor. 45th St. and Broadway; Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr., “The Immigrant and the New Deal,” afternoon.

Annual meeting, board of National Jewish Hospital at Denver, Waldorf Astoria, 50th St. and Park Ave., 10:30 A.M.—4 P.M.

The Jewish Fellowship. Hotel McAlpin, 34th St. and Broadway; Rabbi T. L. BriL “Cynicism, Pessimism. Optimi wo—Which to Lin By.” afternoon.

Open meeting, musical program, auspices Minnchi Youth of Central Urooklyn. 687 Lafayette Ave- Brooklyn j speaker, Herman Quiltman. 7:30 P.M.

Temple EmanU’El student fornra, auspice* (unior Society. 1 East 65th St.; speaker, John Erskine, “Some Problems of Novel Writing Today,” 3 P.M.

Dinner at Harmonic Club, 4 East 60th St., in honor of Dr. William Foxwell Al-bright and Dr. Nelson Glueek. under auspices of the American Friends of the tebrew University, evening.

James Waterman Wise, “Fear and Worry—Can hey Be Controlled?” Synagogue House, 40 West esth St., 10:45 A.M.

Concert by Center Svmplionv Orchestra. Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, ictory Bird, at Forest Ave., 3:30 P.M.

Membership dinner and dance. Congregation and Sisterhood of Temple Beth El, Rockaway Park. Hotel Genadeen, Far Rockaway, evening: speakers. Dr. Elias Margoliea and Samuel Liebowifi.

Chamisho dser B’Shavat festival. Young Poate Zion Alliance. Central Jewish Institute. 125 East 85th St., 8:30 P.M.; speaker, El Galilee, “Reforestation in Palestine.”

Pierre van Paassen, guest of honor, Ch-mish” Oser B’Shavat celebration, tendered bv Zionists of Brownsville and East New York, Hebrew Educational Society Building, Sutter ond Hopltinson Ave*.

Nathan Sttaus Jewish Center, 3512 De-Kalh Ave., unveilinp; ceremony and memorial “service, Rabbi A. Jacob son officiit-ing, 7 P.M.

Emergency conference cJ New York Jewish onrtniutioni, auspice* of Council of TewUh Organisations on Palestine, Hotel Pennsylvania. 33rd Si. and 7th Ave., afternoon; gu«t speaker. Nathan Strati*, Jr.

Alumni meeting, Temple Beih Emeth ol Flatbush, Church Ave. corner Macltoro Rd. Brooklyn 2:30 P.M.

Children’s party and entertainment. Hope of Israel Congregation Hebrew School, synagogue auditorium. 876 Garard Ave. corner East 161st St. Bronx, 2 P.M.

Theodore R. Nathan, “The Tewish Viewpoint.” aiatlon WBNX. 9:15 P.M.

Dinner in honor of medical staff at Home of Daughters’of Jacob, Findlty Ave. and East 167th St.. Bronx, 7 P.M.


Women’s auxiliary of Con credit ion Em-ana-XL. bridge, raah jong and backgammon- Hotel Plaia. 5th Ave. and 59th St., 2 P.M.

Forum. Brooklyn Jewish Center. 667 Eastern Pkwy.i Speaker, Samuel D. Schmal-hausen, evening.

Congregation Shaare Torah; 2ZSZ Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, Joint meeting of men’s club and sisterhood; speaker, Irving Davidson, “Jewish Humor.

Palestine Licbthou=e benefit performance. Little Theater. 244 West 44th St., “False Dreams Farewell,” evening.

“The Reaction in Germany—Race. Nationality and the Rights of Man,” monthly forum. Rehoboth Lodge 38. B’nai B’rith, Vasa Castle Hall, 138 East 149th St., Bronx, evening.

Regular meeting of board of trustees. Temple Sinai, Arlington Ave. and Bradford St.. Brooklyn, evening,

Station WBNX, address by Protestor Ed-win W. Cady. Si. l-awrciicc Univefsil* Luw School, A Christian Look at Palestine,” 9:45-10 A.M., auspices Young Peoples’ United Synagogue.

Young Men’s and Women’s Hebrew Association ol Washington Heights. “Y” building. St. Nicholas Ave. and 159th St., beginning course in conversational Hebrew, evening.


The Jewish Club. 23 West 73rd St., dinner symposium. “How Shall We Meet the present Jewish Emergency?” speakers. Rabbi Stephen S. Wbje. Con^tessmau Samuel Dicksicin. 6:30 P.M.

Flatbush Jewish Center, CTmrch Ave. and ISth Si., Brooklyn, lecture, “Jewish Child Guidance,” 9:30 P.M.

Women’s OrganUdlKm open meeting, Synnflopna H^use. 40 Wwi 68th Si. i Dr. Josephine Ken von, “Sex Education and Our Youth.” 2:15 P.M.

Zionist Club meeting, weekly. Re if in a Mansion, 0)1 Willoujthby Ave., Brooklyn, evening.

Herman Bernstein, current Jewish topic Statioon WEVD. 8 P.M.

Meeting of sisterhood, Temple of the Covenant, vestrv ro’m*, 612 west lSOtli St.; speaker, Rabbi Kobert P. Jacobs, “My-Ycaf in Palestine,” 3 P.M.

The Mcnorah WriiCiV and Artists’ committee, Continental Club. 249-West End I Ave.: speaker, Leo W. Schwartz. “Joseph Care’s Spread Table,” 2:45 P.M.

Men’* club mte>>”K. vestry hall, Temple Sinat, Arlington Ave, and Bradford . St-. Brooklyn, evening.

Fref Synagogue House, *0 Vc*t 6Sth St.. Lduih K. An»Mchwf “Tht* Bewildered World.” 8:15 P.M.

Bfwttnf, Hebre** Civil Service Association, Broadway Central Hu’el. evening; Elliot H. Kaplan and Joseph Goldstein, speakers.

Wednesday. February 7tH Yesniva Pesitvul, M.-idi»on Square Car-den. «2S 8th Ave, evening; Samuel’Unter-myer. honorary chairman.

Hebrew Home for Chronic Invalids. J7T6 day Ave. Bronx, monthly benefit &rd party, afternoon.

Bridge party, sponsored’ h/ Junior Ha-dassah. Jewish Community Center ol Stated Island, Victory Blvd. at Forest Are., evening. %

Rodelph Sholem Synagogue, ? W»i fl.lrd St.. Rabbi Milton Steinberg, “Tlie Making of the Modern Jew,” history *nd discussion group! 10 A.M.

The Center German-Jewish Club, 210 West 91st Street. Dr. Jacob Henry Land, man, “Hainan Sterilisation and Eugenics,” evening.

Professor Joseph P. Chamberlain, on board of High Commission ‘for German Refugees, will explain their plight In broadcast over WEAF. 3:W 10 4 PM.

Adete T, Rata, “Challenge’ of Musical Tradition,” Roertch Museum. 103rd Street and Riverside Diive, evening.


Convention, New York City Cose Workers Section, National Conference of Jewish Social Service, board of trustees room. Federation Building. 71 West 47th Street, evening.

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