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Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds to Revise Its By-laws

December 10, 1941
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The membership of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds will be asked to take final action at the 1942 General Assembly on a number of proposed revisions of the By-laws approved by the Council’s Board of Directors at a meeting in New York on November 15-16, it was learned here today.

Based on a membership of 219 agencies, 183 agencies located in cities of less than 20,000 Jewish population and having a total Jewish population of 604,568, will have a total of 223 votes, while 36 agencies in the larger cities, having a total Jewish population of 3,362,211 will have a total of about 217 votes.

Another recommended revision raises the minimum annual assessment to the Council from $25 to $50 and establishes the principle of prorating the costs of the Council program among the member agencies. Still another proposal would make all General Assembly decisions “binding upon the Board of Directors but not upon the member organizations of the Council, except as each member adopts such decisions as its own.” The Board also approved a number of minor revisions.

Other issues reviewed by the Board included the national advisory budget service, plans for the Chicago G.A., Council finances, increased contribution to the National Social Work Council and current developments in the General Jewish Council. The Board adopted a resolution of tribute to Herbert Mallinson, Texas Jewish philanthropist and member of the Board, who died recently.

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