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Former Mayor of Wiesbaden Reinstalled; Was Sentenced As Nazi

March 9, 1954
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Dr. Erich Mix, the Nazi Lord Mayor of Wiesbaden when that city’s synagogue was put to the torch in 1938, was sworn in as new Lord Mayor this week, a few years after he was sentenced as a “Nazi activist.”

No voice was raised in opposition at the ceremony, or in the local press just as not a single vote was registered against him when the City Council held the election in January. After a deal in which they were promised the Deputy Mayoralty, the 20 Social Democrats had cast blank ballots, with all other Councilmen voting for Mix.

A few months ago the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats, who then still resisted the Mix candidacy, urged, with an eye to potential Jewish tourists to Wiesbaden – a famed resort city as well as the capital of the State of Hesse – that Mix was unacceptable because “the sensibilities of our international clientele should be respected.”

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