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Goldmann Says He Will Decide in May Whether to Retain Zionist Presidency

March 5, 1968
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Dr. Nahum Goldmann has advised Prime Minister Eshkol that he would not think of resigning from the presidency of the World Jewish Congress or the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture which he head, but that he has not yet decided whether he will continue as head of the World Zionist Organization. This information was contained in a statement issued by the Jewish Agency in Dr. Goldmann’s behalf in order to “clarify” reports on his recent talks with the Prime Minister. The newspaper, Maariv, reported last week that Mr. Eshkol had asked Dr. Goldmann if he thought he could continue to carry the burden of leadership of the WZO in addition to the several other international Jewish organizations that he heads.

According to today’s statement from the Jewish Agency, Prime Minister Eshkol at no time suggested that Dr. Goldmann resign from his other positions but asked him to undertake the renewal of the Zionist movement by making its primary task the promotion of immigration from Western countries. Dr. Goldmann promised to let Mr. Eshkol know by May if he decides to retain the WZO presidency. He also asked the Prime Minister if he could suggest a fitting candidate to succeed him in that post which would make his decision much easier, the Jewish Agency statement said.

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