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News Brief

December 13, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Horrible details of the three-day pogrom perpetrated by the Roumanian students on the Jewish population in Grosswardein (Oradeamare), Transylvania, the territory annexed to Roumania, were given by a Viennese merchant who returned today from Grosswardein.

The pogrom, according to the traveler. lasted until Wednesday, December 7. The final act of the pogromists was setting fire to the synagogue at midnight. The students Drought large pails of petroleum to the synagogue, making it impossible to extinguish the fire.

The Jewish population in the city is in a most precarious position since the windows in a great number of homes were smashed and is suffering from exposure because of the extreme cold. The greater number of Jewish families were economically ruined. Banks, offices and stores were invaded and much material damage done.

The bestiality of the excesses was condemned in a statement made by Archbishop Osodariu of Grosswardein. “The devastation of the synagogue which occurred on the day when I celebrated my seventy-fifth birthday is such a shameful outrage that it has shattered me,” he declared.

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