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Israel Cabinet Implements Decision on Joint Authority on Immigration

March 7, 1967
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The implementation of the joint Government-Jewish Agency Immigration and Absorption Authority, agreed to by both sides a month ago, came nearer realization today when the Cabinet named the Government’s representatives to the joint body.

At today’s regular, weekly meeting of the Cabinet, the Government named the following to serve on the joint Authority; Labor Minister Yigal Allon, Minister of Social Welfare Yosef Burg, Minister of Police Eliahu Sasson, Minister of Housing Mordechai Benter and Moshe Kol, Minister of Development and Tourism. The chairman of the body will be Aryeh L. Pincus, chairman of the Jewish Agency’s executive, and the other Agency representatives are expected to be named later this week.

The members representing the Government were constituted by the Cabinet as a “ministerial committee.” That status will give their decisions Cabinet status, making their rulings binding on all members of the Government. The decisions by the Authority, which will have charge of all matters pertaining to immigration and absorption, will be carried out by a single staff drawn from both the Government and the Agency services. Until now, those functions have been delegated to a half-dozen different bodies, each operating separately with its own staff.

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