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Israeli Equipment Sold to Syria

July 29, 1992
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Irrigation equipment designed and produced in an Israeli kibbutz has been sold to Syria.

Amir Lahav, a spokesman for Kibbutz Dorot, near Sderot in the northern Negev, said the kibbutz had received an inquiry from a sales agent in Western Europe regarding possible sales to Syria.

Two deals were made, for a total of $50,000, and the goods were shipped to Europe and presumably sent on to Syria. The kibbutz was paid in the currency of the middleman.

Lahav said it was not known whether the Syrian purchaser or users were aware of the provenance of the equipment. It was shipped without any Hebrew or other markings, including the logo of the kibbutz.

He said the kibbutz knew that its products had previously been sent indirectly to other Arab and Moslem countries.

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