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J.D.C. Completes Medical Examination of 5,000 Jews in Tuni

December 23, 1953
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Joint Distribution Committee ha## a medical examination of more than 5,000 residents of the Tunis ghetto## nounced today by Moses A. Leavitt, JDC executive vice-chairman. The ## nation was part of a continuing JDC campaign to reduce the high inciden## clusis, trachoma and other diseases among Tunisia’s Jews.

The entire medical project, largest of its kind in the country’s histo## weeks to complete and was conducted by staff members of OSE, local ## zation for Tunisia’s destitute Jews. OSE activities are subsidized by J## receives its funds from the United Jewish Appeal.

The examination project, Mr. Leavitt explained, ## a “logical de## JDC’s medical activities in Tunisia during the past five years. Review ## markable results” already obtained as a result of JDC’s medical activi## ported a sharp reduction of the mortality rate among Jewish babies fro## thousand in 1948 to 24 per thoudsand in 1952.

He also announced that canteens, providing meals for 5,000 young## been set up in Tunisia. Another 1,500 children are given milk as a h##. He added that medical treatment, once restricted to a single OSE clin## now been made available to many large and small Jewish communities## country.

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