The 17th annual General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds concluded here tonight after adopting a number of resolutions providing for centralized planning and direction of Jewish communal services and for checking multiple uncoordinated campaigns for Israel end Europe.
Commending the actions and policy of the United States Government with regard ?o participation in the administration of the International Refugee Organization, the general Assembly adopted a resolution strongly criticizing the I.R.0. for having failed “to meet the full responsibilities for the feeding, clothing, education and he general care of Jewish displaced persons,” and for refusing to participate in the transportation of displaced Jews to Israel. The resolution urged:
1. That President Truman and appropriate committees of Congress request a study to be made of the extent to which “unjustifiably heavy burden has been thrown upon the Jewish philanthropic agencies for the care of displaced persons” as a result of the I.R.O. policy.
2. That appropriate refunds be made to the voluntary philanthropic agencies for the basic responsibilities of the I.R.O. which they have carried since July 1, 1948, particularly the payment of transportation costs for Jewish displaced persons emigrating to Israel since May 15, 1948. Millions may be involved, experts said. 3. That the appropriation for the fiscal year, 1949-50, for the International Refugee Organization be enacted under such conditions as will “assure the appropriate policies with regard to expenditures of funds for the primary purpose of the I.R.O.”
The Assembly also adopted a resolution declaring that the growing multiplicity of uncoordinated fund-raising campaigns in the. United States, constitutes a serious threat to the capacity of the American Jewish community to meet local and overseas needs for which it is responsible. This multiplicity of drives, the resolution said, is also harmful to local and central Jewish community organizations upon which continuing successful fund-raising must depend.
The resolution urged local welfare funds to see to it that prospective contributors check with their local welfare fund leaders before contributing to independent drives and said that leaders of local communities, specifically leaders of the welfare funds, should not undertake sponsorship of such independent drives without previous clearance and approval by the welfare fund.
The resolution also recommended that no community act on appeals made to it until it has received authentic information from the Council of Jewish Federations.
A resolution was adopted concerning “stable and unified national fund-raising,” including proposals concerning the establishment of a National Jewish Welfare ##d. The resolution reads: “In view of the desire expressed by the communities for the stable and more unified national fund-raising for Jewish needs, and in view of ### desire expressed for greater community participation in the policies governing ?h fund-raising, this General Assembly resolves that the Council, through an appropriate committee, be instructed to explore, in consultation with the agencies involved, the desirability and feasibility of various proposals suggested at the Assembly for achieving these objectives, including proposals for a National Jewish Welfare Fund,” The resolution provides that the Council report on the results of these ##plorations to the General Assembly next year, or to an earlier meeting of the communities.The Assembly recommended that the C.J.F.W.F. continue and intensify a study has undertaken which calls for central Jewish agencies in each city to plan, coordinate, finance and budget all community service programs. The study was drafted ?a cross-section of top lay and professional leaders. It contains a number of recommendations aimed at strengthening Jewish programs in the United States “which will ?race centralized planning and direction of every type of Jewish communal service.”
The text of the study, delivered to the 1,200 delegates at the Assembly, em?asizes that since individual social service agencies carry specialized programs and ?rve the entire community, they are responsible not only to their specific membership but to the entire Jewish community.
It also emphasizes representations of community interest in relationship to national organization programs and to “participation of the central community agency.” calls for a recognition that the central body is “more than a fundraising agency” ?d defines its powers and limitations.
Stanley C. Myers, of Miami, was re-elected president of the Council. Harold Goldenberg, of Minneapolis, Robert J. Koshland, of San Francisco, Lillian Roseh?ld and Samuel S. Schneirson, both of New York, were elected vice-presidents. Mil{SPAN}##{/SPAN} Kahn, of Boston, was named secretary, and Sylvan Gotshal, of New York, was elected treasurer. The Assembly adopted a 1949 budget of $465,024 for the activities of {SPAN}###{/SPAN} C.J.F.W.F.
Mr. Myers, addressing the afternoon session of the General Assembly, told ## delegates that the “changes and upheavals” of the last 20 years have caused ## “center of gravity of Jewish life” to shift from Europe to America. “Tremendous responsibilities have been placed upon American Jewry,” he declared, “and thus, ## effect, upon our American Jewish community. Upon our community agencies has fall## the burden of rebuilding the shattered Jewish communities of Europe for those who will remain, of moving hundreds of thousands of others out of Europe to new lands, ## making possible the absorption of immigrants into Israel and providing for the economic stability of the new state.
Emphasizing that these responsibilities can only be fully met by “re-dedication to the principles of voluntary, cooperative planning, and coordination on the community and national level, Mr. Myers urged that the Council become “the instrument ##the communities” in fulfilling this objective. He pointed out that “1949 will bring problems that call for enormous work and great wisdom.”
The General Assembly also adopted a resolution commending President Truman for the fight for liberalization of the Displaced Persons law and for his “sympathy, understanding and help towards Israel.” The resolution urged the President to intensify his efforts in this direction. Another resolution appeals to Congress “to enact legislation which will eliminate all the discriminatory provisions in respect {SPAN}##{/SPAN} religion, occupation and nationality” from the present DP law and urges that the fatal cut-off date” of Dec. 22, 1945 be eliminated.
Harry L. Lurie, executive director of the Council, reported to the Assembly the 1948 activities of the Council in behalf of its 255, member agencies in almost ?00 communities. He emphasized the. “practical” nature in servicing community needs all areas of welfare work. He stated that the Jewish communities in the United States have grown in strength, in standards of services, in their capacity for fund-raising in their maturity of judgment, and in their availability for constructive efforts.
The delegates honored William J. Shroder, of Cincinnati, founder and first president of the Council, at a testimonial dinner. Sidney Hollander, of Baltimore, also a past president, made the presentation. Meetings on increased participation of women in communal service and American Jewish culture were also held here.
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The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.