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Jewish Agency Announces Two Summer Courses in Israel for American Students

March 24, 1950
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

American students wishing to spend their summer vacation in Israel have a choice this year of two institutes, each offering varying combinations of study, field work and guided tours at a cost of less than $1,000, including passage, it was announced today by Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chairman of the American section of the Jewish Agency.

The Agency’s Youth and Chalutziut Department sponsors both institutes, one jointly with the Hebrew University and the other jointly with the Hechalutz Organization of America in cooperation with Bachad–religious pioneer movement–and the Columbia University Study Tours. Both are open to students between the ages of 17 and 36 and offer academic credits.

The Agency-Hebrew University project stresses formal university studies but includes a two-week visit to agricultural settlements and a guided tour of the country. Courses, in both Hebrew and English, include Hebrew literature, Jewish history and philosophy, Israel geography and Near East civilization, as well as a special course, arranged by the World Zionist Organization, on contemporary Israel and Zionist problems.

The other institute will stress field work rather than formal studies. Students will leave for Israel in Juno and will live for eight weeks in different types of agricultural settlements, participating in the normal daily tasks of the communities. Approximately two days weekly will be devoted to lectures and seminars, the study of Hebrew and cultural activities. A ten-day guided tour of the country is also included in the program.

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