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Jewish Agency Spokesman Admits That “there is Something in the Wind” in London

September 17, 1946
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A Jewish Agency spokesman today told a press conference here that “there is something in the wind in London” in reply to a question whether the British Government has approached the Jewish Agency with new proposals for participation in the conference on Palestine. He refused to make further comments.

Negotiations between the Palestine Government and the Arab Higher Committee here for the participation of Palestine Arabs in the conference are continuing without interruption, but today Jamal Husseini, vice-chairman of the Arab Committee, after conferring with Sir Alan Cunningham, High Commissioner, said that there was nothing to warrant a reversal of his committee’s decision not to attend the conference.

Circles close to the Arab committee said that Britain has indicated readiness to make concessions as to the conditions and the form of the invitation to the Palestine Arabs. These concessions, they stated, might take the form of an invitation to the committee couched in general terms, “in contrast with the present invitation, which specifically excludes the Mufti.” This, they added, did not mean that the ex-Mufti would be specifically invited, but that such an invitation would at least enable the other members of the committee to consider attending the conference.

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