Enthusiastic concurrence in the decisions of the Non-Zionist Conference Concerning Palestine, held under the chairmanship of Louis Marshall in New York City on October 21, that American Jews join in the extended Jewish Agency for the upbuilding of Palestine disregarding theoretical differences of opinion between Zionists and non-Zionists, is evidenced in the first replies to the inquiry directed by the “Jewish Daily Bulletin” to leaders of the Jewish communities throughout the country. The inquiry was directed mainly to those leaders, not affiliated with the Zionist Organization of America, prominent in welfare, educational and civic work.
This inquiry was sent to a large number of members of the National Committee of the United Jewish Campaign to the members of the Executive Board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, to the members of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and the United Synagogue of America, to the officers and members of the Board of Directors of the Federations of Jewish charities, to some members of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis in the United States and Canada, and the Corporate Members of the American Jewish Committee.
The pact concluded between the Zionists and non-Zionists is hailed in these reponses as a great step forward toward Jewish unity. United action on Palestine will benefit not only the rebuilding work in Palestine, but also other Jewish causes, since it is expected that it will result in greater harmony within the Jewish community.
Louis Marshall and Dr. Chaim Weizmann were lauded as the prime movers in this event of historic importance.
ROGER W. STRAUS, New York City, President, National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods–“The conference held on October 22 at which the Non-Zionists decided to cooperate wholeheartedly for Palestine Reconstruction through the Jewish Agency marks a great advance for the Jews throughout the world.
“United the people of Jewish faith can increase their contribution to the rest of the civilized world so that besides insuring the success of Palestine Reconstruction, which in itself is a world service, it augurs well for unity in connection with other world problems, to the solution of which a united Jewry can contribute constructive though and action.”
DAVID A. BROWN, Detroit, Mich., National Chairman, United Jewish Campaign–“There were many conflicting emotions within me during the entire period of the Non-Zionist conference. I had felt, and it was so expressed previous to the conference, that we were on the verge of making history, and now that the conference is over, it is my firm conviction that history has been made.
“Five years of intensive work has been brought to fruition during three sessions of the Conference, lasting less than six actual hours.
“There was gathered as this Conference a cross-section of American Jewry from many parts of the country, who listened attentively to the entire presentation during which time there was not even one controversial voice heard. When the votes were taken which meant added responsibilities, and an association with a group whose idealology they were not altogether in harmony with, the response was a unanimous decision followed by great applause, an evidence that their action was more than a mere gesture.
“Credit for the successful culmination of this five years’ of effort is due in my judgment to two great men. Louis Marshall and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who during this entire time have labored under great difficulties, especially during the highly controversial period of 1925, 1926, and 1927.
“To Louis Marshall must go almost entirely the credit for creating a receptive attitude of mind on the part of the Non-Zionists of America towards associating themselves with the Agency. To him there was evidenced during the entire conference that respect and admiration bordering on deep affection, which in a large measure was responsible for the fine attitude which resulted in one of the best conferences that it has ever been my pleasure to attend.
“With the appointment of the Committee of Seven, and through them the selection of those American representatives of the Agency, only the preliminary work will have been accomplished There will be much yet to be done both on the part of the Non-Zionists and the Zionists of this and other countries if the completed Agency is to function successfully.
“The work about to be done is of such a permanent nature that the foundations must not be laid carelessly nor hurriedly. The desire for rapid accomplishment must not over-shadow the need for careful planning.
“What little part I have played in this effort I consider a great privilege. Whatever else I may be permitted to do, I will do with the full understanding of the great responsibility that is attached to service of this nature.
“To Louis Marshall and to Dr. Chaim Weizmann I extend not only my congratulations, but a deep sense of appreciation for the wonderful service which they have both rendered to world Jewry.”
MAX J. KOHLER, New York City–“Although I continue to be as strongly opposed as ever to Political Zionism, I found myself prepared to vote unhesitatingly in favor of the two sets of resolutions unanimously adopted at the Non-Zionist Conference on October 21. The very able report of the ‘Joint Palestine Survey Commission,’ signed by all four Commissioners and approved by Louis Marshall and Chaim Weizmann, is a most statesman like document, prepared with no other design than to set forth the truth, as disclosed in the 741 page report of the Experts, and the personal investigations of the very efficient Commissioners. The resolution approving the Commissioners’ report calls for the best-advised possible action ‘conducive to the economic, spiritual and cultural development of Palestine,’ and the ‘Agency’ resolution in providing that the members constituting the Jewish Agency to advise and cooperate with the Palestinian Government under the Mandate, shall consist of 50% Non-Zionists, and 50% appointees of the World Zionist Organization, with 40% of the former residents of the United States, ensures the selection of the ablest and most efficient persons to carry out the former resolution. Jewish immigration to Palestine is to be limited by considerations of maintaining “a reasonable balance between the number of immigrants admitted and the economic needs of the country,’ and instead of having the Zionist Agency serve as an unintended ‘will-of-the-wisp,’ leading immigrants to misery, they will have before them a plain, clear, statesmanlike survey of the conditions actually confronting them, and probable prospects, if the necessary ways and means are placed in the hands of the ablest obtainable directors of such a scheme. The land portrayed is not one ‘flowing with milk and honey.’ Many other wise, statesmanslike recommendations are made, to govern the conduct of the Jewish promoters of the plan and of the mandatory power, frequently taking the form of proposed rectification of subsisting unwise or unjust conditions Given a Jewish population of 148,000 out of a total Palestinian population of 785,000, and some millions of Jews outside of Palestine, whose fervent daily prayer is ‘Next Year may we be in Jerusalem’!, Zionists and Non-Zionists can, and, should unite, on a plan ensuring the greatest happiness for all the inhabitants of the land, present and prospective!
“If, as I believe, there are still some political Zionists, I want to continue to count myself as an “anti-political-Zionist.’ I remain true to the traditions of my grandfather, David Einhorn, (whom Dr. Schulman well characterized as the ‘other David,’ in contradistinction to David Lloyd George), who not merely climinated from his prayer-book 75 years ago, the prayer for the return to Palestine, but turned the ‘Tishabeav’ service of mourning into one of rejoicing, that a Jewish nationalistic political ideal was superseded by a purely universal Jewish religious ideal. On that platform my sainted father also stood. But neither they nor I opposed Jewish settlement in Palestine, as far as conducive to the best interests of the settlers and that land. I have also been for nearly 23 years a trustee and honorary secretary of the Baron de Hirsch Fund, and as such may call myself for some purpose Baron de Hirsch’s spokesman. As such, on the basis of his famous controversy with Herzl, and as a student pessimistic for many years of Jewish colonization projects, I welcome placing at the helm of such Palestinian project the best-equipped, sanest, wisest men that can be found in the interest of Palestinian Jewry, World Jewry and the non-Jews of Palestine. How greatly even the latter have been aided by such American practical idealists as Nathan Straus, (whose noble work, through some oversight, is not adequately reconized in the reports) and the Hadassah Medical Organization, is revealed by the remarkable statistics now collated, showing almost incredible progressive decrease of disease since the Mandate. With larger resources and the ablest possible directors assured for the future by the new Agency plan, this is but one indication of the many benefits to be anticipated for the future under the new regime.”
BERNARD B. GIVEN, Syracuse, N. Y., New York State Chairman, United Jewish Campaign–“Lord Melchett’s address sounded the keynote, and I believe everyone who attended the Conference was more than repaid, with a new vision and a new ideal of the Jewish future.
“For the first time in history, a world-united Jewry will speak for Jewish solidarity, for Jewish welfare. I believe, out of this Conference will come a much better understanding and a much finer appreciation and respect for all Jews.
“Louis Marshall again reveals himself as the ideal of American Jewish leadership. I believe this Conference will be the crowning glory of his life’s devotion to the House of Israel.”
DR. S. J. APPELBAUM, Rochester, N. Y.–“I believe that the results of the Non-Zionist Conference–the adoption of resolutions in favor of American Jews joining the extended Jewish Agency for the upbuilding of Palestine–is one of the finest things that has happened in recent years in Jewish life. Dogmatism, passion and prejudice have split American Jewry on a question which demands united action, whether the action be in Russia or Palestine. I hope the results of the conference will be for sincere harmony and union.”
RABBI MAX ARZT, Temple Israel, Scranton, Pa.–“The Non-Zionist Conference eloquently testifies to the higher unity of the Jewish people. Hitherto it seemed that the only bond which united universal Israel, was the bond of common suffering. The splendid achievements in the field of war relief and the united action of world Jewry on behalf of the oppressed Jewish populations of Eastern Europe, led many to believe that only a crisis will cause Jews to huddle together as do sheep in a storm. The Jewish Agency will prove that Israel can unite not only for mutual protection and for universal protest but also for engaging in a positive, creative effort, namely, the rehabilitation of Palestine as a homeland for the Jewish spirit. Louis Marshall, Dr. Weizmann, Lord Melchett, Dr. Cyrus Adler and the other leaders of that historic conference have thus immortalized their names–for they have made Zion the suprem, all-embracing ideal of universal Israel.”
RABBI JEWSSE BIENENFELD, Syracuse, N. Y.–“The results of the Non-Zionist Conference are mervelous. It was a great moment for the Jews the world over when so large and influential a portion of the Jews of this country pledged themselves to work for the rehabilitation of Palestine.
“From personal observations in the Holy Land, I know that the Jews there need only our financial support to make their individual efforts succeed. But in the joy of great accomplishment, let us not forget that the Palestinian problem is not by any means one of money alone. Palestine must not only be a haven for Jews, Palestine must become a Jewish state.”
RABBI PHILIP DAVID BOOKSTABER, Ohev Shalom Temple, Harrisburg, Pa.–“I want to compliment you and your staff on the manner in which you reported the proceedings of the recent Non-Zionist Conference. Being unable to be present I was pleased to follow the full details of the proceedings in the Jewish Daily Bulletin. It took a very little stretch of the imagination to visualize this great drama of heart and mind only because your reports stimulated my feelings and thinking in these directions. I read between your printed lines and could divine the rest of that great symphony of the pulsations of the Jewish heart.
“May the Jewish Daily Bulletin grow in strength and influence so as to continue increasing the Jewish consciousness and unity of the whole world.”
RABBI JACOB BOSNIAK, Ocean Parkway Jewish Center, Brooklyn, N. Y.–“This much is certain, that a united American Jewry with its immense resources, for the upbuilding of Palestine, is, in my opinion, a Messianice event in the life of Israel; and this Conference ushered in the great epoch.
“Woe to him who will try to inject a tone of discord in the present harmony which must result in the creation of a stream of gold flowing in the direction of Palestine. We now may hope that all opposition in and around Palestine will disappear, even as the walls of Jericho were caused to crumble and fall by the harmonious sound of the many shofroth of a united people.”
RABBI ABRAHAM BURSTEIN, Inwood Hebrew Congregation, New York City–“It is an abnormality for Jews to stand apart from Palestine and to ignore the efforts towards its rehabilitation. The new unified interest in that land, demonstrated in the conference of Oct. 21, is an indication of serenity and sanity in Jewish thought.”
RABBI SIMON R. COHEN, Union Temple, Brooklyn, N. Y.–“The consolidation of Zionist and non-Zionist in the great enterprise of reestablishing Palestine as a homeland for the persecuted Jew is easily the outstanding even of the last generation. To those of our people who in the past have held aloof from this great constructive movement in Israel, this Union under the inspired leadership of Dr. Weizmann and Louis Marshall is furnishing an opportunity to heartily cooperate and at the same time to hold allegiance to the principles for which they stood.
“To me, political Zionism constituted a great menace to the prophetic progress of Israel. That a happy means has been discovered to overcome the objection to political Zionism and at the same time to create a homeland for those of our people who still walk in darkness is indeed a very happy solution of a serious dilemma.”
MRS. ABRAHAM J. FELDMAN, Hartford, Conn.–“I am thrilled by the prospect of Jewish unity resulting from the Non-Zionist Conference. This unity will necessarily manifest itself not alone in the joint pro-Palestinian effots but in all communal endeavors.”
RABBI HERBERT S. GOLDSTEIN, New York, President, Union of Orthodox Congregations and member of the Agudath Israel Executive Committee–“The Jewish Agency is the Jewish hope for the future, providing it will continue and not break the thread of Jewish history. It will accomplish this when its foundation will be Jewish law.
“It must be remembered that in Judaism economics as well as the synagogue are regulated by law. The prophets have declared that ‘from Zion shall come forth the law.’
“There are none so anxious for the realization of the Jewish Agency as non-Zionists, but it is better that there be frankness and truth at the outset, than quarrels and disunity later.”
RABBI ISRAEL GOLDFARB, Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes, Brooklyn, N. Y.–“The result of the Non-Zionist Conference held last Sunday in New York should be hailed by every Jew the world over as the most important and epoch-making event in the life of the Jew since the Balfour Declaration.
“American Jews united for the upbuilding of Palestine! What hope, what promise, what possibilities lie in such union! Not only will Palestine benefit from this ‘pact of glory,’ but the Jews the world over and particularly the Jews of America will derive from it renewed strength.”
DR. ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN, Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, New York
City–“The Non-Zionist Conference was a splendid demonstration of the fact that the House of Israel is not a house divided against itself. There are many Jews who are prone to indulge in self-disparagement on the score of unity, and who are all too ready to assert that discord and division are more pronounced among Jews than among other groups.
“The Non-Zionist Conference provides such skeptics with food for thought. Never in recent years has there been a more adequate vindication of the faith in a united Israel in America.”
RABBI SIMON GREENBERG, Philadelphia, Pa.–“The Non-Zionists’ Conference of October 21, whose sessions were so excellently reported in your columns, brought new pride to me as a Jew, and new hope as a Zionist. Its possibilities for good no man can estinate. If its potentialities will be realized, then a firm bond between Palestine and American Jewry will have been established, and both will be blest by this union.”
RABBI A. M. HELLER, Flatbush Jewish Center, Brooklyn, N. Y.–“It is most fitting at this juncture to make mention of the part played by the administration of the Zionist Organization of America in this historic event. Its consistent support to Dr. Weizmann is most praiseworthy. I pray that American Zionists, among themselves, will now forget all past differences and with renewed vigor and hope, give greater impetus to the mighty and worth while task facing a United Jewry.”
RABBI EDWARD L. ISRAEL, Har Sinai Congregation, Baltimore, Md.–“The Jewish Agency carries with it a potential unity in Israel, such as we have not known since the time of Mendelssohn. Since those days the issues of emancipation, assimilation and nationalism have raised horrible barriers between Jew and Jew. The lack of sympathy for Zion, which was a corollary of some of these issues, went so far in some Jews as to make them Jewish anti-Semites. The recognition of the Jewish Agency puts the non-Zionistic leadership of American Israel definitely in opposition to this bitter hatred of Jewishness by Jews. There is opportunity now to consolidate our spiritual resources. Especially to us American Jews is the Agency a blessing. In an intensified Jewish consciousness we shall gain far more from its existence than ever we could give to Eretz Yisroel.”
RABBI HARRY KAPLAN, Pittsfield, Mass.–“The decision made by the Non-Zionist Conference to participate in Palestine re-building, marks an epoch in American Jewish life. It will redound to the credit of ‘both he that gives and he that receives.’ In America, it will mark the end of old antagonisms and misunderstandings; in Palestine it will prove an unfailing source of hope and encouragement. This momentous gathering of unity proves again that Jewish idealism is a reality and not an idle byword.”
RABBI MAX KADUSHIN, Humboldt Boulevard Temple, Chicago, Ill.–“It will inaugurate a period of harmony and achievement. Discord between Zionist and non-Zionist, Reform, Orthodox or Conservative will disappear. Factions there will remain, perhaps, but these factions will work as a unit to achieve a definite objective shared by all. And Palestine, without question, without any shadow of a doubt, will be rebuilt, restored to the Jewish people as its spiritual homeland, not by grant of the world powers but by the determined and unconquerable will of Israel itself.”
DR. JACOB KOHN, Temple Ansche Chesed, New York City–“I regard the proceedings of the recent Non-Zionist Conference as a splendid demonstration of Jewish unity and Jewish idealism. Every Zionist must exult in the fact that Palestine and the rebuilding of Jewish life in Palestine have created a bond uniting Jews throughout the world in a splendid constructive effort.”
MRS. ALEXANDER KOHUT, New York City–“It is indeed an occasion for rejoicing to learn that through the resolution adopted at the Congress that the American Jews will now join in the extended Jewish Agency for the upbuilding of Palestine. I believe and hope that this will make for unity among all Jews, which will strengthen and make possible not only the pioneer work done by the Zionists, but will have an everlasting effect through the inspiration received upon a united Jewry. A participation in the glorious program of the Zionists must be welcomed and appreciated wholeheartedly.”
MORRIS ROSENBAUM, Philadelphia, Pa.–“Only a man with such intense feeling for the uplift of Jews, and the only man among all the Jews mentally qualified to accomplish such stupendous organization without hurting any one’s feeling is, Mr. Louis Marshall. May God keep him in good health and enable him to remain that gaint sentinel of Jewish rights among the nations of the earth.
NATHAN ROSENTHAL, Hartford, Conn.–“I have looked forward for a number of years to this epoch making event. I have always been one of the adherents of the policies of my good friend, Louis Marshall, and I am glad to note that two factions of Judaism, both having the interest of Jewry at heart, have at last united for the purpose of fulfilling a glorious mission.”
RABBI SAMUEL SACHS, Toronto, Ont.–“The decision of the Non-Zionist Conference for the extended Jewish Agency is a momentous accomplishment for the unity of Israel and sufficient life insurance for the effort of the pressent generation of Zionists in behalf of Palestine and the future of the Jewish people.”
RABBI NORMAN SALIT, Congregation Shaaray Tefila, Far Rockaway, N. Y.–“Large bodies move slowly, but now that what has been known as the Non-Zionist part of American Jewry has given unequivocal expression of its love for Palestine and its recognition of the paramount significance of Palestine in Jewish life we may look to a new future–one of unity in aim, of cooperation in work, and of concerted emphasis on what of all things is of greatest moment to world Israel. ‘Happy is the eye that has seen this.”
NATHAN D. SHAPIRO, Brooklyn, N. Y.–“The consolidation of these two factions will eventually bring every shade of Zionism into one group and under one management.”
RABBI JULIUS SILBERFELD, Newark, N. J.–“The Non-Zionist Conference was, in my opinion, fraught with the greaest consequences, not only for Israel in America, but for Israel the world over. It was the first successful attempt to unite the heterogenous elements comprising American Jewry into one harmonious whole, united under the banner of a common ideal.”
DAVID W. SIMONS, Detroit, Mich.–“I share in the hope that the action of the new combination will be as effective and correspondent with the splendid expressions of those highminded men that were in attendance, coming, as it did, at a time when it becomes so urgent to unite our people and even strengthen the confidence of the Zionists themselves and thereby uniting all factions in the greatest cause that is so dear to our people.”
DR. ELIAS L. SOLOMON, New York, honorary president, United Synagogue of America–“No Jew worthy the name can fail to be thrilled by the establishment of peace in Israel, particularly when the welfare of Eretz Yisroel and of our people is at stake. May peace endure in our midst.”
RABBI HYMAN SOLOMON, Beth Israel Congregation, Vineland, N. J.–“The outcome of the Conference signifies that American Jews can be united to solve their great national problems which are crying for solution. Thus, Jewish education, which means the very perpetuation of Jewish life in this country, can only be solved through a national body working on a national basis.”
MRS. HAROLD SPIELBERG, New York City–“To my mind the decisions reached at this conference are the most momentous and epoch-making in the history of the Jews. This is the beginning of the real up-building of Palestine, and all those responsible for this great achievement are to be heartily congratulated.”
Former Assemblyman Solomon Sufrin was appointed Special Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the State of New York; and assigned to the Bureau of Elections.
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The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.