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Less Than 100 Jews Entered Argentina During 1947; About 40,000 Others Admitted

January 27, 1948
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Less than 100 Jaws entered Argentina in 1947 it was revealed here today following the publication of an official report on immigration during the past year. A total of close to 40,000 persons entered the country in 1947 and, according to a recent official announcement, the government is planning to admit 100,000 Italian immigrants in 1948.

Of the 1947 immigrants, more than 2,000 were Poles who were members of General Anders’ army, while an undetermined number are believed to be German nationals. Discrimination against Jews is matters of immigration continues unabated despite the replacement of the former chief of the immigration department, Dr. Santiago Peralta, a known anti-Semite, and a liberalization of the immigration laws last summer.

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