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Main Water Pipeline in Negev Blown Up by Egyptians Again

June 27, 1955
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

For the second time in a week, Egyptian infiltrators last night blew up the Negev main water pipeline. This time according to an announcement by the military spokesman here, the pipeline was damaged near the village of Tel Reyim.

The spokesman pointed out that Israel has made numerous complaints to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization about these depredations which “Israel views with special gravity because they prove the actions are carried out by trained Egyptian army personnel.”

The Israel-Egyptian Mixed Armistice Commission condemned Egypt yesterday for an incident in which a group of Egyptian mine laying experts crossed into Israel and laid a mine in the route of a regular Israel patrol, resulting in the serious wounding of two Israel soldiers and slightly wounding another, when their command car was destroyed. At the same time, the MAC censured Israel for replying with fire after the mine laying incident occurred.

An Israel patrol was attacked by Jordanians in the Naharayim area this week-end, it was announced here by a military spokesman. No casualties were reported. The incident was the second in the same area within a 48-hour period.

Speaking at a reception of the Israel Association for the United Nations on the occasion of the international body’s tenth anniversary, Gen. Burns said that “judging from the statements of Israel and Arab public figures, it seems that a threat to peace in the Middle East still exists.” He bailed the speech of Israel’s chief delegate to the UN, Abba S. Eban, as an excellent exposition of the subject.

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