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Medical Section of Friends of the Hebrew University Formed

April 21, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency Mail Service)

A medical branch of the society, ‘Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,’ was formed here at a meeting held yesterday of Jewish members of the medical profession.

Sir Philip Hartog, the president of the Society, who presided gave a brief survey of the present work of the University, which he recently visited. He emphasized the great importance of the research work conducted in the Biochemical and Microbiological Institutes, both for the advancement of science in general and for the sanitary and economic development of Palestine and the other countries of the Near East in particular. Sir Philip described the research work of the Institute of Jewish Studies, which is investigating afresh the history and literature of the Jewish people, in particular in its relation to Palestine. The University possessed a very valuable library of 100,000 volumes, which was well organized and equipped for the research work of the several departments. He emphasized the importance of the organization of societies of friends of the Jerusalem University in Europe and American, which he considered essential both for the material and the intellectual development of the University.

Dr. M. D. Eder, in moving the resolution for the establishment of the Medical Section, dealt in particular with the medical research work at present conducted at the University.

A committee has been appointed consisting of Dr. A. H. Levy, chairman, and Dr. J. Burnford, Dr. M. D. Eder, Dr. W. M. Feldman. Dr. Haring, Dr. H. A. Kisch, Dr. Muriel Landau, Dr. A. G. Levy, Dr. Redcliffe, N. Salaman and Dr. J. Snowman, with Dr. M. Sourasky as honorary secretary.

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