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Melchett Denies Intention of Meeting Abbas Hilmi

January 18, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Lord Melchett yesterday emphatically denied at a press conference, in response to an inquiry by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, that he had come to Palestine to meet Abbas Hilmi, former Khedive of Egypt now in Palestine on a visit, for the purpose of completing a plan for the settlement of Jews in Transjordania.

“I have never met Abbas Hilmi. I have no intention of meeting him,” Lord Melchett declared.

#ports of the Abbas Hilmi-Melchett #ng had been published by the Arab #ss.

Questioned concerning the recent an#-Semitic riots in Poland, Lord Melchett stated that he believes that the Polish government does not desire the excesses to occur, but it is a question whether it exercises sufficiently strong control over the local authorities.

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