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Morgenthau, in Rosh Hashanah Message, Lauds American Jewry’s Philanthropic Activities


The role that American Jewry has played in the establishment of the state of Israel and in the reconstruction of European Jewry was lauded today by former Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, in a Rosh Hashanah message to the Jews of the United States.

Mr. Morgenthau pointed out that as a result of generous support of the U.J.A. “tens of thousands of Jews from Europe will at long last be able to find surcease from homelessness and despair, and start their lives over again in Israel in the coming year.”

Edward M.M. Warburg, chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee, announced today that the J.D.C. has arranged for special New Year services in hospitals, schools, camps and rehabilitation centers Europe. He revealed that special holiday parcels have been distributed to 10,000 Jews in Italy.

Citing examples of religious assistance furnished Jewish communities abroad, Warburg reported that in addition to numerous prayer books, prayer shawls and other religious articles, the J.D.C. has supplied the Jews of Hungary with 50 ram’s horns, 20 Torahs, and 1,500 prayer shawls. Several ram’s horns have also been shipped to remote Jewish communities in Sweden, he said.

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