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Organized U.S. Labor Condemns Arab Border Warfare Against Israel

February 27, 1967
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The executive council of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, meeting here, adopted a five-point statement today on the mounting threat to peace in the Middle East. The statement declared:

“1. The executive council views with deep concern the systematic intensification of Soviet intrigue in the Middle East during the past year, especially in Egypt and Syria.

“2. Notes the repeated acts of aggression by the Syrian regime against Israel, thereby threatening the security and stability of the entire Middle East;

“3. Deplores Nasser’s gas bombing of Ktaf Village on the Saudi-Yemen border and the provocative aggressive actions by Syria against Jordan calculated to subvert and replace its Government with a dictatorship which would follow the warlike course pursued by Damascus and instigated by Cairo;

“4. Draws particular attention to the incitement and menace of border warfare against Israel — such as the infiltration of its territory for the perpetration of warlike acts, the laying of mines and other forms of aggressive action;

“5. Urges the United States Government to adopt a strong stand against such aggression, to refuse all economic and technical assistance to those countries sponsoring a policy of encouraging border warfare and eliminating their neighbors.”

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