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Palestine Jews Demand Return of Eritrean Deportees; Release Names of Dead in Riot

January 21, 1946
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Although the Palestine Government has not yet revealed any further details of the disturbance in the Jewish internment camp at Eritrea, which took the lives of two Jews last Thursday, the names of the victims were released today. They were Saul Hagalili and Eliahu Ezra.

Meanwhile, the executive committee of the Association of Local Councils, representing practically all of the Jewish villages, wired High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham, demanding that the dead men be brought to Palestine for burial, and that the wounded be sent to Palestine hospitals.

The Hebrew press today demands a speedy and open bearing into the disturbances at the camp and the immediate return to Palestine of all the deportees. The papers also ask that a delegation representing the Jewish community be allowed to visit the camp, pointing out that while the bulk of the Jewish population does not agree with the prisoners’ ideology, they are opposed to the deportations.

Letters received here today from several of the internees disclose that a Red Cross mission is expected at the camp and, as a result, the prisoners have received “decent clothing and improved food.” The letters also reveal that the camp inmates are preparing to sue the Eritrean Government for detaining them illegally.

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