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Police Finish Deri Investigation, Recommend Pressing of Charges

February 15, 1991
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The police have finally recommended that criminal charges be pressed against Interior Minister Arye Deri after eight months of investigation into his alleged illegal activities.

Israel Radio reported Thursday that the recommendation was based on 15 files of evidence related to Deri’s alleged illegal transfer of government funds to institutions affiliated with his Shas party.

Deri, who at 31 is the youngest Cabinet member, said Thursday he was glad the police have at last completed their investigation. He predicted he would be totally vindicated in court.

But hours later, Police Minister Ronni Milo said no information would be made public on any of the charges at this time, indicating that the investigation was continuing.

Deri could be charged with fraud, breach of trust and false registration of documents, the radio report said. Charges could also be brought against others, including some of the minister’s aides.

The police, meanwhile, were reported to have recommended on the basis of another file that separate charges be brought against Deri and another Shas Knesset member, Communications Minister Rafael Pinhasi, for alleged conspiracy to supply false information to the state comptroller on government funds received by their party.

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