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Pope Expresses Sorrow

June 2, 1972
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Pope Paul VI today instructed Msgr. Pietro Zambi, charge d’affaires of the apostolic delegation in Jerusalem, to express his condolences to President Zalman, Shazar. The statement from the Pope said, “With profound sorrow we have received the terrible news of the tragedy that occurred last night at Tel Aviv airport. In deploring this tragic act of unheard of violence against innocent persons, we desire to express to your excellency our deepest, heartfelt sympathy for the stricken families in great mourning, and our best wishes for the wounded.” The statement continued, “We incessantly invoke God to halt this conflict of hate and bloodshed that outrages the human conscience and Christian sentiments.”

Israeli border police units today took over security control inside Lydda Airport. The police, who had been guarding the outside area and runways, are now massed inside the terminal fully armed.

The foreign victims in the airport shooting will receive the same financial benefits as the Israelis, the National Insurance Institute noted yesterday. Benefits include coverage of all medical and rehabilitation expenses and survivors’ aid. The Institute has set up a special team to assist the foreigners wounded at Lydda.

Transport Minister Shimon Peres is investigating a reported attempt to sabotage an El Al airliner in Copenhagen. The report said El Al employes foiled an attempt to smuggle explosives into an air cargo scheduled to fly to Israel today. Copenhagen authorities said they had no knowledge of the attempt.

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