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Possible Israeli Ties with Saigon Reported; Government Mum on Issue

September 27, 1966
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Israel Government will soon reexamine the possibility of extending full diplomatic recognition to the South Vietnam Government, the usually well-informed Davar, a daily newspaper, stated today. Davar is the organ of the Histadrut, Israel’s labor federation.

The Davar report said that the possibility stemmed from the recent elections in South Vietnam to choose a commission to write a constitution for the nation. The newspaper report noted that, while many public statements had been made on the issue, Israel still has not replied officially to the Saigon regime’s request for recognition.

Government sources questioned by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency were unable to confirm or deny the Davar report. They said only that no Government action was being considered in the immediate future.

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