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News Brief

February 14, 1978
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Premier Menachem Begin of Israel will attend this year’s Salute to Israel Parade as its special guest, it was announced here by David Sidorsky, board chairman of the American Zionist Youth Foundation which sponsors the parade each year. This is the first time an Israeli Premier has attended the parade, according to parade officials. His appearance and delivery of an address will highlight Begin’s week-long visit to the U.S. beginning April 30, the officials said.

CORRECTION Due to an error in overseas transmission, a story in the Feb. 10 Daily News Bulletin mistakenly identified Samuel Lahis as executive vice-president of the World Zionist Organization-American Section. He came to the U.S. In 1973 as a representative of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem. Isadore Hamlin is executive vice-chairman of the WZO-American Section.

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