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State Dept. Officially Asks Israel to Deliver Soblen to U.S.

August 8, 1962
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The State Department has officially and “emphatically” notified both Israel and Great Britain that the United States wants Dr. Robert A. Soblen returned to the United States to serve his life sentence as a convicted spy.

This was announced today by State Department spokesman Lincoln White. Mr. White said that the U.S. Embassies in London and Tel Aviv have been discussing America’s views on the Soblen case and demanding his return.

(El Al Israel Airlines’ Tuesday night flight — the last before the expiration of the deadline set by the British Government for flying Dr. Soblen to the United States — left London Airport for New York tonight without Dr. Soblen. The next direct London-New York flight by El Al is scheduled for Friday. If Israel is to bow to Britain’s wishes to get Dr. Soblen out of England by tomorrow night, it will have to divert a Paris-New York flight scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.)

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